•Chapter 18•

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"Mmm, Jimin go get the things you want and Jungkook go help him. Get your stuff while your at it." Jin said.

The two boys took off into the store after getting a rolling cart.

"Jin Hyung did Namjoon say he wanted anything, or did you ask?" Hoseok questioned, walking next to him with his hands in his sweater pocket. He jumped when he got scolded for saying Namjoon's name in public.

"Be quiet!" Jin said. "Don't say his name!" Jin whisper-shouted.

Hoseok pouted. "Sorry." He mumbled. "I-I'm sure no one heard." He added but Yoongi and Jin glared at him.

"Just be quiet." Yoongi said causing Hoseok to pout even more.

"But to answer your question," Jin stopped at the sweets isle (A/N: is that right...isle?). He grabbed a box of donuts and scanned it by just looking at the calories and flavor. "He said he wanted to leave, so I just took off." Jin shrugged and gently placed the box of filled goodies into the moving basket.

"Oh..." Hoseok huffed out a breath. "Are you gonna get him anything?" He asked.

"Mmm, don't know." Jin replied. "Can you think of anything he might want?" He said looking at the tea cans before grabbing a few with the help of Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Not really..." Hoseok said and looked around at many unhealthy snacks.

"He needs to gain some weight, so why not get him a tiny supplement of each snack." Yoongi said in a raspy voice. He cleared his throat, and looked at the two that were looking back at him.

"That's not healthy and that's also gonna cost a lot of money." Jin said, he bit his bottom lip before letting it go. "But fuck it."

"After this do you think we'll have enough money to drive to America?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi nodded. "Yeah, you have enough in your bank account."

Hoseok nodded, "Ok- wait what!?" He looked at Yoongi.

"Nothing nothing, forget what I said." Yoongi walked toward Hoseok and grabbed what was behind him and smile. "Just know that we have enough." He then turned around and put what he grabbed into the cart.

"But you just-" Hoseok stopped talking when Jin gave him a look. "Kay I'll stop."

"Great. Now let's go get your things." The three walked away to get the snacks for Hoseok. The reason they were shopping for their favorite snacks was because they were planning on driving to America. They knew that if they took a plane it would be bad for everyone.


"W-wait." Namjoon gripped Taehyung's shirt. "That hurts." He said quietly.

"Okay um..." Taehyung looked at Namjoon's injured leg. He was cleaning it because Namjoon said it started to hurt really bad when he was helping him put pants on. If he were being honest he had no idea what he was doing and he wanted to puke. He looked away from the injury. You did this you dumb fuck. He thought to himself and looked at Namjoon, "I'm sorry Namjoon."

Namjoon looked at Taehyung. "For what?" He asked to avoid what he was feeling. Why does my body keep getting tingles? He looked at Taehyung waiting for a answer.

Taehyung swallowed hard while keeping eye contact. "Um..." Shit this is harder then I thought. Taehyung looked at Namjoon's thigh, and gently tapped the cloth onto his wound making Namjoon slightly flinch. "Um, I'm sorry for hurting you." He said and ignored the fact that he really and truly meant it. He hated apologizing because it made him feel weak and vulnerable.

Namjoon silently stared at Taehyung. He was speechless but he quickly said, "It's okay," And he lightly laughed it off looking away. He didn't know why he felt the need to cry. He kept his head down, and avoided making eye contact with Taehyung.

Taehyung noticed this and sighed. He put the cloth down and looked up at Namjoon. "Namjoon."

Namjoon looked away and bit his bottom lip. He felt his eyes burn with tears. No, don't cry please. He begged himself. He blinked the tears away and looked up at Taehyung not wanting to cry, and just wanting to face what Taehyung was gonna do or say.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung said looking straight into Namjoon's eyes. "So don't play dumb or what ever because that's a lot harder to say then you think." He said going back to being cocky.

Namjoon didn't know what to say. He didn't know if he could forgive him so easily. He shook his head and licked his lips. "I'm sorry Taehyung, but I.." He gulped and try his best to keep eye contact. "I-I can't...I can't forgive you." He quickly looked away when he saw a look flash in Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung looked at Namjoon slightly pissed, "Why not?" He asked in a angry voice.

Namjoon clutched the blanket beneath him. "Why not?" He said in a mockingly manner, he scoffed and looked back up at Taehyung. "What you did to me can't be forgiven so easily Taehyung," He said in a soft voice trying so hard not to lose his cool. "It doesn't mean we were smiling and laughing earlier I will forgive you right away. No I'm not gonna do that, not even out if pity." He said slightly spitting out the last word through gritted teeth.

Taehyung looked at Namjoon surprised, "What do I have to do to make you forgive me?" He asked and his voice cracked. He really wanted Namjoon to not see him as a monster and see him as someone who has feelings for him, but he just didn't know how to express them. He sighed when Namjoon said to let him go.

"Namjoon-" Taehyung was then cut off by Namjoon.

"Fine, if you won't let me go, then can you still least tell me why you guys are doing this?" Namjoon asked and he felt tears burn at his eyes again.

Taehyung sighed, "We all wanted to tell you that at the same time."

Namjoon huffed and shook his head. "I want to know now." He said not caring how childish and bratty he had sound.

"Fine." Taehyung said.


After Taehyung had told Namjoon why they did all of this stuff Namjoon was crying into Taehyung neck.

Taehyung had shifted Namjoon into his lap when he started crying, he figured he needed the comfort. Of course Namjoon refused but Taehyung managed to convince him.

"Y-you g-g-guys are as-assholes." Namjoon said and that hurt Taehyung's feelings. "Fucking pathetic and insecure assholes." He started to hit Taehyung's chest, and let out cries of why they didn't tell him their feelings and none of this would of happened.

Taehyung didn't do anything he just sat there holding Namjoon, and accepted the hits and the harsh words from him.

After awhile Namjoon felt weak and slowly stopped hurting Taehyung. "Why..." He said helplessly.

Taehyung's vision blurred with tears and he swallowed a sob. He knew what they were doing was fucked up, but they couldn't handle it anymore. They couldn't handle Namjoon being scared of seeing them everyday at school. They couldn't handle Namjoon  looking away from them when they looked at him. They couldn't handle Namjoon walking out of the room in a rush when they entered. They couldn't handle many things when it came to Namjoon. So what better way to solve it than kidnap him they thought. And they didn't know if they regretted it or if they didn't regret it. All they know is that what they were doing was messed up, and that they have Namjoon and they weren't planning on letting him go anytime soon. Or anything at all.


Okie dokie finally done with that chapter. Um, is this being rushed? I feel like it is yet it isn't ya know? Anyway um lmk if it is please. And sorry for any mistakes.

Bye bye. <3

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