Parents love?

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"You are the mother."
I look down hugging my son until I see Hazel, throw King out the window and, punching the hell out of Jordan I rush to tend to my son before hand.

🍯Honey 🍯

It's 9:13 PM and my last student just went home I wipe things down, sweeping and picking up toys. After I was done I wash my hands most likely Tibeth will be home around 10:00 PM as I'm strapping my daughter in the carseat while Maryonna a coworker lock up the building we both walk out. I get to my car getting my child comfortable. I get in a driver side going home.
9:18 we make it home traffic wasn't bad I got out the car locking it up after taking Saryiah out. We make it in the house, locking the door I lay her in the play pen. I rush to the room taking off my clothes leaving me in my bra and panties no need to cover up. I hear a knock at my door I put on a shirt walking down the stairs I open the door to be faced with Ruby.
"What's wrong?"
"Hazel fought my baby daddy and my son!"
I move out the way and, allowed her in I close the door. "What son?"
"Man Jordan my baby father Kingdom is my son but as we took the DNA Hazel came in like a mad woman talking about killing King in front of Jordan and to stay away from her daughter."
"Oh that's it?"
"What you mean? She went crazy because Haze made a friend."
"I knew that she would go off with Haze begin around boys she don't play that shit. I didn't say nothing because It's not my business."
"Honey how would Tibeth feel if Saryiah talked to boys?"
"I don't know she may act the same since she won't even let no one hold her."
"Man will King be able to attened the school?"
"Sure but, he can't have no contact with Haze Ameir called me saying Haze is on punishment."
"I'm so sorry."
"You just getting in the family just treat Temper right and, stay on the low you should be fine."
"Okay but what are you doing?"
I grab Saryiah walking to  the bathroom taking off her clothes putting her in the baby tub washing her up. I wrap a towel around her small head and around her body. Putting her on the bed I change her, lotion her body down and put on her pink onesie that says I Love Dad I lay her down with pillows around walking downstairs to see Ruby sleeping on my couch. I made Saryiah bottle before tapping Ruby on the back she looked at me "Guest room down the hallway to the right. You and Temper need to talk about the son you have tomorrow I'm let you sleep here for tonight."
"Wait your girl friend?"
"I'll talk to her and, tell her you in a room."
I walk up to Tibeth and I room slowly picking the baby up feeding her I hear the door open and, sense Tibeth I have to give her the scoop on what's going on. Ruby does have till tommrow to tell Temper or, I will. The baby falls asleep as I burp her a long loud burp comes out I put her next to my side of the bed in her bassinet. Tibeth walk in she automatically pick her daughter up. "baby we need to talk." She sat down looking at me "Well Ruby is here because she found out she has a son named Kingdom he was at the aftercare program and, well he talkes to Haze, Hazel and Ameir daughter and Hazel went bonkers on Jordan Ruby ex and, the little boy. Getting Haze in trouble for begin around a boy and kissing him on the cheek. Now Ruby has put her son on punishment but, she in the guest room because she needs to find a way to tell Temper about her son by tommrow. But please let her stay the night."
She looks at me noding her head "by tommrow morning and fine she can stay."
I do a happy dance before getting up to take a shower she so, sweet.
I laid in the bed looking at the ceiling I got a son who decides to be nice to a beautiful girl and, both get in trouble I can tell Haze got in trouble now Kingdom got into a punishment. I close my eyes knowing I'll be up at 6:30, to open up the after school program and the daycare.

11:09 AM


I look over to Haze as she wrote down notes on training after that Kingdom looked at her all the boys looked at her some even walked up to her tapping her shoulder she looked out the window.

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