bad situations

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I picked Honey up as I walk to a fucking hospital this bitch sits up and jumps out my arm holding her shirt up a bullet proof vest. "Honey what the fuck?!"
"I never trusted that bitch so, I came prepared but, shit still hurt."
"We going to a hospital now."
"Girl I'm good."
"It's either I take you or, Tibeth beat my ass and she take you. We all know she get worried and than get's overprotective over you wait till I tell her this."
"I'm pretty sure she will find out but, I think we need to go because I'm cramping badly."
We just walking as I hold her up she crying in my shoulder. We get in this hospital we got Honey ass checked in now in the back. These mother fuckers hooked her up she laying on her side you can hear one heartbeats She wearing a hospital gown.

"Honey how you feeling?" I sit in a chair next to her.

"I can only hear baby B heart beat I'm getting scared and the doctor taking a life time."

Yep we can only hear one heart beat shit got crazy and she scared to call Tibeth. I can see her crying I hold her hand "To be honest I'm ready to go home and sleep."

The doctor walks in "well we have to find baby A and try to get a heart beat if not we have to get him out."

What the fuck how the hell they gon keep baby B inside her?

We let the man do his thing thank God we found Baby B hiding behind baby A but his heart is so low like not healthy.

"How can we fix that?"
"I'm have to keep you and the babies under observation tommrow morning.  I'm let you go home and rest but, tommrow morning you need to be here only for two weeks."
"Listen you beating around the bush why she staying in the hospital for two weeks? What does it mean a low heart rate?"

"Honey you in risk of having a miscarriage with baby B that is why tonight I need you not to stress period."

He unhooked her it took 38 minutes I was able to get Winter to come get us Honey just looked out the window. "You have to tell Tibeth. "
"Yeah I know I have to."
When Winter dropped Honey off I can see the worry all over her face.


I'm walking in the house, and Tibeth walking around she looking at me, looking out windows just panicking period. The baby start crying I picked her up giving her a bottle I sit on the bed watching Tibeth move around. "Babe please sit down ."
She kept pacing on my goodness I'm scared she going to panic more when I tell her I'm going in the hospital for two weeks.

7/2/19 9:48 AM

Okay guys it's the next morning I kept the heart beat thing on my stomach I heard his heart beat it is the same pace real low so, today is the day I go under observation for the babies Baby A is going wonderful so I'm happy Baby B scaring me like hell. One catch Tibeth ass didn't go to work this morning so.... I'm in some deep shit right now. I put on grey sweats, white long sleeve shirt, black boots. I grab my bag that holds my clothes.   I'm waiting on Innocence so.....
"Where you going?"
"The hospital."
"For what?"
"One of the babies heart beat low I might have a miscarriage so, they keeping me under observation for two weeks."

Sahariah started crying oh I'm sorry we did name the baby girl. She started crying Tibeth, got her and, start feeding her and bouncing rocking her. Tibeth looked at me "well we going with you."

Innocence arrived but, Tibeth took Saharia and put her in the carseat she three months trying to sit up. Tibeth had her baby bag.
"Baby are you serious?"
"Come on baby."
We got in Innocence, car and she drive us to the hospital. We walk to our hospital room as my doctor greet us.
"How you feeling this morning?"
"Change into the gown and we can get you hooked up."

I undress getting in my gown the doctor walked in getting me hooked up I smile as I hear the babies heartbeats I close my eyes to the sound of heart beats and baby giggles.


I'm home in my own bed to be honest I want to be alone for awhile but I got kids
Six kids I got to look over I just feed Drew and Roman tears fall from my eyes. I don't understand my life nomore my house hold so, many people and I'm isolating myself from anybody to every body.

💅Leah💅 : Ameir

💃Ameir😍: yes Leah

💅Leah💅 : can you open the door?

💃Ameir😍: The door is open.

I put my phone down on my bed I wipe my eyes as I look over to see Haze in my bed sleeping.

"Mommy are you and daddy breaking up?"

She open her eyes her pretty brown eyes look into my green ones.

"No baby girl."
"Why are you crying over daddy treating you like crap?"
"Haze daddy just begin her."
"Mommy you messed up by not trusting her one time and she punished you till you agreed to be a good girl, you hit her on accident and she almost chocked you out now you have to gain her trust back daddy always looking at you like she second guess you. People make mistakes Mommy but you paying for your mistakes everyday like daddy takes it to the extreme. You had a nasty moment where she put her thing in you because she didn't have the nasty in a long time. Mommy I'm scared I don't want you to get hurt."

Man I broke down I couldn't take it nomore yes it felt good to feel Hazel, now it's like she do look at me diffrent when she want it she get it she chase after her own nut then pull out. Haze hugged me until Drew start screaming Haze walk to him with his bottle I smile I got my kids.

"Hey babes can we talk?"
Leah helped me up as I walked out the room I go to the living room and sit next to her.
"I heard what Haze said. You need to stand up to Hazel or you need to deal with her ways. What you gon do?"
"Look let me deal with my relationship and my kids I don't need you in my ear about it."
"You got six kids with a bitch who second guess you on a daily basis now you laid up in the bed crying over her and don't tell me you in this for your kids!!!"
"I got six kids with Hazel we been rocking since we was little I don't care I fucked up I got consequences I need her and not even you gon change my mind!"
"You got fucked till you agreed to not mess up talking about you need her your kids see it and you dumb enough to stick in there she second guess you."
I grab her by the throat but let her go anger rise in me I'm tired , I'm sad, manipulated, scared, angry all in one. "Watch my kids Haze and Lezah know how to handle the babies."

I walk out the house right now I'm fuel up when I walk in Hazel room she up I grab my car keys I throw my heel in the T.V. busting that bitch open "I'm so sick and tired of begin on my tipy toes trying not to make a mistake trying to get your trust back when I didn't cheat fuck this shit. you want to second guess me Hazel? Baby girl you think you got control?  not anymore if you going to second guess me looking at me sideways but I'm laying in your bed and you don't know either to trust me or let me go!"

I step to her let me tell you I never did this but 1000 percent hot and she got me fifty shades of fucked up Alixia blood run in me and Tina so, you know I'm crazy I'm just quiet and shy but that shit over with.

"Have you Hazel when the last time you made love to me? When the last time you called me beautiful? When the last time you kiss me or been sweet? You think you dangerous baby girl try me. You want to pop a nut when you want what happened to "Babe I need you, I want you ... what happen? Because all I'm getting is my pussy filled up no questions about it you get blue balls you just enter and nut not letting me get mines. You don't touch me like you use to and I can see it in your eyes. Hazel I'm not the good girl that listen to daddy anymore we not in Hazel yard no more."

I felt sadness and anger she pissed "baby girl if you hit me one of us not walking out this room alive I promise you that I'm not your bitch nomore I'm not getting on my knees im not chasing after you if you don't love me go but if you do show me. hell you dressed like a girly girl I fuck up now you got this change in clothes I don't care how you dress you sexy as hell but, if you think just because I mess up you control me. Daddy guess what your good girl not to good nomore and, I don't give a fuck. I take care of six kids your turn." I walk out pushing Julian out my way

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