He hates me -Part 2 (Dean X Reader)

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I turn around and I see Dean holding... me? "(Y/N)!" he yells looking at my body. My eyes are like frozen. I'm dead. I walk to him and I see him crying over my body.

"I love you too" he whispers leans closer to my body. He kisses my lifeless lips and pre tears start streaming down his freckled cheeks. He wipes his tears and picks me up. "Let's go home Sammy" he says and carries me to the car.

Sam drived to the bunker while Dean was holding my body. He doesn't seem to care about all the blood that's on me and him. When we got to the bunker he placed my body on my bed. He sat next to it and hold my hand. "I love you too" he says and starts crying again. "I'm sorry I didn't say it earlier but I thought you would have been better away from me. I was a doush, I know. I should have treated you better. That way you wouldn't have died thinking that I hate you. I love you" he says and kisses my hand. At this point I'm crying too. "It's ok Dean" I say but of course he can't listen.

"Hello (Y/N)" I hear a voice say and I turn around "Billie?" "Are you ready?" "No. I'm not going to the empty" "Oh, you're not. Heaven is waiting for you actually" "Heaven?" "Only the Winchesters have a ticket for the empty" "But I can't leave him. I have to talk to him one last time" "You can't" "But you can help me to" "I'm sorry but it's a no" "Then I'm not coming" "Of you stay here you'll be forced to see him suffering because he won't be able to move on. So it's your choice" she says. I turn and look at Dean who is sitting next to my body. "Ok. I'm coming" I say and I take her hand.

Dean's POV
"What happened?" Castiel asks as he comes in the room "Vampires" I say as I wipe my tears away "How did you know? And why weren't you there to help?" I yell at him "Heaven isn't in his best shape. And I was just informed that (Y/N)'s soul is delivered in heaven" "Heaven?" "Yes" "Finally something good" I say and I get out of the room.

I grab a bottle of scotch and I go to the library. "I may be able to get her back" Cas says as he enters the library. "I might be able to pull her soul from heaven to her body" "No" I say "What?" "No. She is happy upstairs. We shouldn't hurt her more. She is finally happy" I say as I take a long sip of scotch. Cas nods and leaves the bunker.

Your POV
"Dean! Mary needs a diaper change and I'm still pumping milk out of my boob" I shout "I'm on it" he says as he runs to the nursery. He enters the room and takes Mary from my lap that she was sleeping on. He started playing with her so she wouldn't start crying. He is so good with her. I don't think there is anything better than this. I'm pretty sure that I saw this in a dream. But now it's real.

Castiel rushes in the room "Cas? What are you doing here man?" Dean asks but he ignores him. He comes to me and hugs me "(Y/N), we have to go" he says as he pulls away "Go were?" I ask "To the real world. I can place your soul back to your body" he says and I start laughing "My body?" I ask "You died (Y/N), you have to remember. Remember the vampire, remember real Dean that is currently suffering without you" he says. "Yeah, right" I say and I chuckle "I think that you should leave Cas" Dean says "(Y/N) come on, we don't have much time" he says and takes my hand. "No, leave me alone" I say and I take my hand back.

"(Y/N), you have to try to remember" he says "I remember everything I need to and--" "Poughkeepsie" he says cutting me off. And then everything comes back. My vampires, my death and Dean's words. "Let's go" I say and he nods.

You got out of my heaven-room and I followed Cas in the long white hallways. At some point he pushes me back and pins me to the wall. A few angels walk by and as soon as they were gone he let me free. "Castiel?" a voice from behind say "What is happening here?" she asks "Naomi, I'm taking her back" "No, you're not" "Yes, I am" "No" she yells "If she takes a step closer to the exit, I'll snap my fingers and she'll be sent to purgatory" "You can't do that" "Try me" she says. Cas quickly takes his blade out and stabs her. Blue light comes out of her eyes and mouth until she falls dead on the ground. "Let's go" Cas says and I nod.

He pulled me out of heaven and I was immediately in the bunker. I sit up gasping for air. I touch my chest and there is no wound or blood on me. I get up and I ran to the library. But nobody was there. I run to Dean's room and he is passed out on the bed. I kneel next to his bed and I start brushing his hair with my fingers. He opens his eyes after a couple of minutes "(Y/N)?" he says "Yes?" "Are you real?" "I am, thank to Cas" I say and he hugs me. He buries his head in my neck and holds me as close to his body as possible.

"I love you too" he whispers. He pulls away and cups my face "I've never hated you. I've always loved you and I was trying to bury it" he says. "But we are here now and that's what matters" I say and he nods. I lean to him and I peck his lips. He places his hand ro the back of my neck and kissed me slowly amd passionately.

I pull away and I start laughing "What happened?" he asks "It's better than I thought and I've been thinking about it a lot" I say and he chuckles. "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say and I kiss him again. I wish this moment lasts forever.

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