Worlds - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)

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For the next two months, I was distant from everyone. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I was working only with Ketch or Charlie because they were the only people who knew and respected the fact that I wasn't ok. They didn't make questions and we just got the job done. I always had the hope that would come back any day now but as more days went by that hope was disappearing. I started to think that maybe I'm not getting out of here. Maybe I'll be stuck here forever. I'm not going to see him again.

I'll just have to live with the memories. The memory of our last date the previous night, our last kiss that morning before I left, our last hug and snuggle in bed, the last time I saw him before I closed the door, our last call just before I went to find that witch, the last I love you that was through that last call. And the worst part of it is that I was taking all of that for granted and I shouldn't. You never know when something is the going to be the last until you lose it. And I had to learn that the hard way.

"(Y/N), dead bodies were spotted in the nest that we cleared last week" Ketch says. I open the door "Humans or angels?" I ask "Humans. Seems like a new nest was formed in the same place" he says and I nod. "Let's go" I say and I get my bag. "Are you sure you're ok to--" "I'm fine" I say and we leave right away. The road was long - about 9 hours - but we made it 6 hours by a secret shortcut.

Dean's POV
Sam and I, with Bobby's help, were getting ready to return to our world. Everybody is coming with us so they can get a second chance in a different world away from Michael. The only thing holding us back is Ketch. No one knows where that son of a bitch is. Also I overheard Charlie say to Bobby something about not to mention someone to me which I found weird but didn't question it.

I look at my clock and I realize that we had less than two hours left. We can't wait anymore. "Guys, we gotta go" I say and Sam nods. "Ok, everybody ready? We are leaving" Sam shouts and everyone agrees. "Mom, Bobby, Jack go first. Sam, Cas and I are gonna stay in the back" I say and they nod. So we start.

Your POV
There were many of them but we beat them easily and headed back to our place. But during the fight one of the blood suckers hit my leg pretty hard and I was having a hard time walking. "Can you go back alone? I need a minute" I ask Ketch. "Are you ok?" he asks "Yes, I'm fine" I say and I lay my back against a tree. "I just need a minute" I say "Let me see" he says and tries to help me but I stop him. "I said that I'm fine. You know what? Let's go" I say and I take a few steps. "You are as stubborn as he is. Do you know that?" he asks and I chuckle slightly.

That moment we heard many steps and voices coming our way. We both hide in behind the trees and we get out guns ready. They were getting closer. Ketch counts with his fingers 1... 2... And with three we both jump out and point at them. But instead of angels, we came face to face with people. Our people. Jack, Bobby and Mary were leading. "What is happening?" Ketch asks "Where were you two?" Bobby asks "Long story. Where are you going?" he asks.

"Mom, what is happening there?". It was his voice. This is Dean's voice I'm sure. And then he and Cas appear through the other people. At this point I was frozen in place and my eyes were full of tears. As soon as his eyes landed on me, he freezes too. "Dean..." I whisper and I notice that his eyes get watery too. "(Y/N)?" he whispers. "You know eachother?" Mary asks. "We..." Dean starts to say but he doesn't take his eyes away from me "I... No. I used to know her but our world's version" he says. "No, Dean, it's me" I say and I take our photo out of my pocket. I hold it up and he looks at it. "She... She is from our world Dean" Cas says and Dean looks back at me.

"(Y/N)?" he asks again and smiles "Dean!" I say and I smile. Immediately we both run to eachother and we hug. I hug him with all my strength and I start crying. He hugs me so strong that for a moment I couldn't breathe but the truth is that right now I don't care. We pull away just enough so we can look at eachother. I cup his cheeks and he cups my cheeks. "I missed you so much" I say crying and rubbing his cheeks "I missed you too. I love you" he says as a tear escapes his eye "I love you" I say and he kisses me.

He kisses softly my lips and I kiss him back. It was a long simple peck but it was also full of emotions. "I never left you Dean. I was send here by that freaking witch almost four years ago and I couldn't figure out how to come back. I would never leave you. I love you more than anything" I say quickly "I believe you" he says and hugs me again.

Ketch clears his throat and then we remember that we are not alone. We pull away "Go, we are following" Dean says and lets everyone pass. Sam waited back and when he sees me, he hugs me. "Hi Sammy" I say and I hug him "We really missed you" he says "I missed you too" I say. We pull away and Dean takes my hand. We start to walk following the others "I can't live without you" Dean says and kisses my head. "Me neither" I say and I rest my head on him. He wraps his arm around me and we keep walking.

We were really close to the rift everything seemed to be quiet. "Where do you think are you going?" we hear Michael. Immediately I take my gun out of my pocket and I shoot him multiple times with angel killing bullets. But they didn't do much. "Get those people out of here" I say to Dean "No, I'm not losing you again" he says taking his blade "Sammy, get everyone out" he continues and Sam's leads the others away.

"(Y/N), it's nice to finally meet you" Michael says and starts choking me with his powers. I fall on my knees and Dean immediately runs to help me. But Michael throws him away. "You've caused me some serious trouble" he says and kicks me throwing me on the ground. He walks to me and creates a cut on my stomach. He lets me breathe and I take deep breaths but each breath hurts due to the movement of the cut. He cuts me again and I groan.

He gets ready to cut me again but Ketch attacks him. He manages to throw him on the ground and he immediately comes to me. He gets ready to rips my t-shirt "Hey!" Dean yells angry at him "He has seen me naked before" I say and Dean gets angrier "It was an accident" Ketch says "He didn't knock the door" I say. "As soon as we are back, I'm gonna shoot you" Dean says and then rips mh t-shirt. They looks at my wounds and he looks worried. I look down at it too and I realize that he didn't just scratch me. He literally cut through skin exposing my organs, better than a surgeon's cut. "Oh God... Ok... Ok..." I whisper to myself trying not to freak out.

"Where is Cas? Or Jack?" Dean asks "They are on the other side" Ketch says and Dean nods. But Michael is coming back. "I got him. You wrap her tight with this and get her back" Dean says to Ketch taking his jacket off "Dean..." I whisper but he heard me "I love you" I say. He kisses me "I love you too" he says and leaves to fight Michael. "Give me something to bite" I say "What?" Ketch asks "Give me something to bite. It already hurts so if you move me it's gonna be worse, so I'm probably gonna scream a lot" I say and he nods.

He rips a piece off my already ripped t-shirt and puts it in my mouth. He wraps the rest of it around my waist tight and then he wraps Dean's jacket over it even tighter. The t-shirt in my mouth kept most of my scream but it was still hurting like hell. I get the t-shirt off my mouth and I take some deep breaths. "Go" Dean yells as he runs back. He picks me up and runs to the rift.

The rift was already closing but Rowena was fighting to keep it open. As soon as all of us past she closed it trapping Michael on the other side. "Cas, with me" Dean says immediately and carries me to the room. He places me on the bed and Cas rushes to me. He places his hand on my forehead and immediately I feel a warmth going through my body. He takes his hand back and Dean immediately unwraps my waist. A breath of relief leaves hid lips and hugs me. "Welcome back" he says.

A few hours later, I get up from the bed and I take a walk in the bunker. I look around and I start crying again. "Hey, hey..." Dean says softly and I turn to look at him. He hugs me letting me cry in his chest "... it's ok" he says rubbing my back. "I... I can't believe it. I've been waiting for this for so long..." I say between my sobs "Me too. I love you so much" he says "I love you too and I'm really sorry that I was gone for so long" I say "It wasn't your fault baby. I'm just glad that you are back" he says "Me too" I say.

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