Amara (Dean X Reader)

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He was moving his hips back and forth, thrusting his cock in and out of me. I felt my orgasm start building to a point that I couldn't hold back any moans that were coming out. "Dean..." I moan letting him know that I'm close. He leans down and kisses me. We both moan in the kiss as each thrust was bringing us close to the edge. "Dean..." I moan again as his lips travel to my neck. "Amara..." he moans and I just freeze. For a couple of seconds I was wondering if I had heard him correctly. I was hoping that I didn't but unfortunately I did.

"(Y/N)... Cum with me baby" he whispers next to my ear still sucking on my neck. But everything just stopped for me when I heard her name. So I just pretended. I moaned his name as he cums and then I kissed him. He pulls out of me and lays next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and brings me close to his chest. "I love you" he says and kisses my head "I love you too" I say. But I could still hear him moan her name.

I spent all night thinking if he had sex with her or not. It was only last week when he reassured me that he wants her dead as much as I do and that the other day that she took him away for a bit, nothing happened. Was he lying? And why would he lie if it wasn't bad? So I don't know what is worse. He having just sex with her or he having deeper feelings for her.

I manage to escape from his arms and I got out of the bed. "What time is it?" Dean asks before I could leave the room "It's 6 am. Go back to sleep, I'm just gonna go for a run" I say "Are you ok?" he asks "Yeah, I'm fine" I say and I kiss his forehead putting him back to sleep.

I get out of the room and I get out of the bunker making sure I was quiet. I start walking in the trees letting the cold air hit my face and clear my mind. Bit it wasn't enough. There were too many thoughts and imagines in my mind. I couldn't stop imagining them kissing and having sex. But I wouldn't let myself cry right now.

I go back to the bunker and in the kitchen. "Good morning" Sam says "Morning" I say and I grab a bottle of scotch "(Y/N), are you ok?" Sam asks me "No, I'm not ok" I say as I pour myself a drink. "What happened? Did Dean do something?" he asks worried but I don't answer. "I'm gonna kill him" he says and gets up from his seat "Easy cowboy" I say and I stop him. "I'll get over it... I think" I say and I take a sip of my drink. "(Y/N), what did he do?" he asks. I take a deep breath and I look at him "He called me Amara during sex" I say. He opens his mouth to talk but he has nothing to say.

I take the bottle and I go back in the room. "Get up" I say shaking slapping Dean's leg. He immediately jumps off the bed "What? Are you ok?" he asks worried "No, we need to talk" I say "Then don't scare me like that" he says "What do we need to talk about?" he asks "Last night, did you have fun?" I ask tapping my legs nervously on the floor "Well yes. Of course I did" he says and smiles. I nod and I bring the bottle on my lips.

But Dean stops me taking the bottle from my hand "What are you doing?" he asks "I'm drinking my pain away" I say "Your what? What happened (Y/N)?" he asks worried "You happened" "What?" "You called me Amara last night. You moaned here name just before you told me to cum with you. So please tell me the damn truth" I demand. He takes a sip of the scotch and then takes a deep breath "We kissed" he says and sits on the bed. I take a few steps back until my back touched the wall. I slide down and I sit on the floor "Do you have feelings for her?" I ask.

"I don't know. Trust me I wish I could say no but... You know that I want her dead, right?" he asks "I think so" I say and he nods. He takes one more sip and looks at the floor. "How bad is it?" I ask "Standing here right now, every bone of my body wants to run her through, send her back to that hole she crawled up. But when I'm near her, I don't know, something happens and I can't explain it. It's not desire or love. It's not like us. But if we want to kill the her, I don't think I can do it" he says. My eyes fill with tears and I immediately wipe the one that escaped.

"Thank you for the honesty" I say and I stand up. I go to the closet and I grab some of my clothes "What are you doing?" he asks "For now I'm gonna stay in another room and when I find a place to stay in I'm leaving" I say "No (Y/N), wait--" "No, I'm not going to stay in a situation that hurts me. I've been through enough pain already" I say "Please, don't do this. We can work through this" he says "How? The man I love is in love with another woman. There is no fixing in that" I say and I leave the room.

But soon I realize that I have left my drink in the room with Dean. But I don't want to see his face right now so I went back in the kitchen. I started looking for another drink but I couldn't find anything but beer. I take my keys and I go to the bar.

After a few drinks, I was starting to get drunk. "Hi beautiful" I hear from behind me and a guy sits next to me. "Boyfriend problems?" he asks "You have no idea" I say and I drink another shot "Woah, easy. You better not get drunk around here" he says "But if I get drunk, you might have a chance" I say and he chuckles. "By the way, I'm Barry" he says "And I'm not interested" I say and I drink another shot.

"Come on girl, two broken hearts can make one whole" he says and I roll my eyes "And I thought Dean's hot coffee pick up line was bad. Unfortunately for you, I'm not going anywhere with you tonight" "Come on baby--" he says and puts his hand on my thigh "Hey! Keep your hands to yourself or I'm gonna break them" I say and he chuckles.

"She isn't lying" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. I turn and I see Crowley "Now go before she decides to do more" he continues and Barry leaves. Crowley sits next to me "Refill?" the bartender asks me "Yes please and get him something fancy with your tiniest umbrella" I say. "What are you doing here Crowley?" I ask him "It came to my knowledge that you and squirrel are not doing well" he says "And why do you care?" "I don't, but mother has a plan to kill Amara and I need him and moose fully concentrated. So squirrel is on his way here now to drink until he passes out so try and make it up so we can get rid of her and then you leave him" "Fine" I say and I drink one more shot.

"Thank you" he says and gets up from his chair. "Oh, did I forget to mention that Amara is probably making him get attracted to her" he says and I turn to look at him "You could have started with that" I say "I know but I decided not to" he says and leaves.

Dean entered the bar a few minutes later and sat on the bar. I went and sat next to him "I talked with Crowley earlier" I say "And?" he asks "He said that probably Amara is forcing you to feel this way about her and I want to believe it but I need to ask you, is it true?" I ask "I think it is" he says and I nod. "Do you still think that we can work this out?" I ask "I don't want to pressure you and hurt you (Y/N)" he says "I know" I say and I take his hand. He looks at me and smiles. I smile too and he kisses me.

"I thought you said that you didn't want to go anywhere tonight" I hear Barry's voice. Dean and I pull away "No, I said that I didn't want to go anywhere with you tonight. There is a difference" I say and Dean chuckles. Barry leaves and I turn to Dean again "Where were we?" I ask and I pick up where we left off.

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