Virginity (Dean X Reader)

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It was a quiet day today. No case which means a day off. I was reading a book when the bunker's door opened and Rowena walked in. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask pointing my gun at her "I'm not here to fight. I just need something" she says calmly "Sam! Dean!" I yell. They came running and stopped when they saw Rowena "What are you doing here?" Dean asks as he walks next to me.

Why do I have this stupid feeling everytime he comes closer to me? Why does his name sends chills all over my body everytime I hear it or hear him talking? Well, he is handsome but why doesn't this happened when it's about Sam. He is pretty too, right? But why can't I get bored of looking at Dean? Honestly, I really enjoy hearing him talking about something he did and he so cute when he does. No, snap out of it (Y/N).

"I was explaining to (Y/N) that I'm here because I need something" she says "Like?" Sam asks "I'm out of an ingredient that I need for a spell. It's not a hard one to find and because I'm trying to play good, I came here to ask if you have any" "What spell?" I ask "You don't need to worry about it sweetie. It's a tiny thing, so it's not used for a big spell" she says. "What do you need?" Dean asks and the chills come again.

"Virgin's blood. Do you boys have any in stock?" she asks. No, no, no, they can't know. They'll make fun of me. "I don't think so" Sam says "Ok then, a virgin is dying tonight" she says and turns around to leave "Don't you dare kill anyone" Sam says "Fine Samuel, I won't" she says and leaves. "Crap, I forgot to ask her" I say and I run to the door "(Y/N)?" Dean calls after me "I'll be back" I say and I leave the bunker.

"Rowena wait" I say running after her. She turns around and looks at me "I can help. Just don't hurt anybody else" I say and she nods. She takes a bottle and a knife out of her bag. I take the knife and I cut my hand. I let my blood spill to the bottle. "Afraid to tell them?" she asks "No. I just didn't have the chance to" I say "Yeah, right. You're embarrassed?" "No, it's just that they don't need to know" "Ok. But just so you know Dean Winchester was never stopped by virginity" "How do you--" "I saw it. Are you in love with him?" she asks and I wrap my hand with a piece of fabric "Your bottle is full. You can go now" I say and I go back inside.

I walk down the stairs and I walk to the boys. "I'm back" I say and Dean looks at me and then starts laughing. "What?" I say trying to understand why is he laughing. "Are you a virgin?" he asks between his laughter. "What? No" I say trying to not sound hurt "Then why did you go after Rowena?" he asks "Dean stop laughing" Sam says "I went to ask her something" I say to Dean "About? Let me guess, you asked her what sex is" he says and a tear escapes my eye "Dean, shut up" Sam says. "You're such a doushbag" I whisper and I run to my room ignoring Sam who was calling after me.

I lock myself inside my room and a few tears fall. But they are not enough to stop me from doing what I want to do. I open my closet and I go through my clothes. I find an off-the-shoulders white short dress and I wear it. I look myself in the mirror and I smile. It hugs my curves perfectly. I can find better. I don't need him.

I put a little foundation on with a pink-nude lipstick and some mascara. I curl my hair with my flat iron and I mess it up a little. I put on apair of nude high heels. I look myself in the mirror again and I feel satisfied with the result. "You're beautiful. You can find better than him. He doesn't deserve you girl" I say to myself "You got this" I say and I leave my room.

"(Y/N)?" Dean calls from the back "Crap" I curse under my breath before I turn. "What do you need?" I ask but he just looks at my exposed skin "Dean?" I say and he brings his eyes back to my face "Where are you going?" "It's non of your business" "(Y/N), I'm sorry that I acted like that earlier. I was just surprised. Please don't do this. You'll regret it" he says "At least this way I'll have your respect" I say and I leave.

Dean's POV
I took a bottle of scotch and I sat in the kitchen. I was in the third glass when Sam walked in "What happened?" he asks "She is out losing her virginity to a stranger because of me" "What? And you elt her leave?" "It's her choice. And it's my fault" I say as I drink the fourth glass. "What the hell was I thinking?" I say and throw the glass to the wall. "When I saw her leaving, she looked gorgeous like always but scared too" "It would be better if you talked to her earlier. If you told her how you feel" "I know" I say and I get up. "I'm gonna go get some more drinks" I say "No, you drank too much to let you drive. Let me" Sam says and I throw him the keys.

A couple of minutes after Sam left, I hear the door open again. I walk there and I see (Y/N) standing there.

Your POV
"I couldn't" she says and I see tears streaming down her cheeks "I couldn't do it" she says and sobs. I walk to her and I hug her. She cries harder and I rub her back. "I love you" he whispers and I pull away from the hug "What did you just say?" I ask "I said that I love you" he says "It's ok if you don't--" he starts saying but I cut him off crashing my lips to his.

He break the kiss almost immediately and looks at me. "I couldn't do it tonight because of you. Because I was thinking about you. I thought I could find better. But I can't because I love you" I say. He smiles and leans closer and kisses me.

It's perfect

It's perfect

He's perfect

She's perfect

It's way better than I thought

It's way better than I thought

Please don't stop

I need to stop. She isn't ready

He pulls away and cups my face. "I don't want to rush things. Let me get you on a date first" he says and I nod. "How about we stay together and cuddle tonight?" I ask "Great idea" he says and pecks my lips.

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