Say it (Dean X Reader)

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Dean and I walk inside the bar "We need to get the key to her apartment. Her roommate aka our werewolf had made sure no one can break in. See the blonde behind the bar?" I ask him "The barwoman?" he asks and I nod "I got this" he says and takes a step but I stop him "No, Dean she's totally gay" I say "What? No. I mean she's tall, blonde and really gifted" he says checking her out "What is that supposed to mean?" I ask "You can wait for me outside" he says and goes to her. Of course I wasn't gonna listen to him. So I sat there and watched him fail.

He comes back after a few seconds "What happened? I thought you got it" I say ironically "Shut up" he says and I chuckle. "Ok, go back to find Sam. I'll figure something out" I say "Ok. Call me if anything happens" "Sure" I say and leaves. I walk to her and I sit down. "Hi, what can I get you?" she asks "A beer" I say and she nods. She comes back and places the beer in front of me "It's on the house" she says "Thank you. By the way, I'm... Dee" "Kelly" she says and leans a bit closer over the bar "I will be free in about an hour, want to meet outside?" "I would love too" I say and I take a sip of my beer. "I got to work so see you then" she says "See you".

I wake up and I take a look around. Wow, nice house for a werewolf. I get up and I get dressed. "Thanks for last night. I hadn't had something like that in a long time" Kelly says "Your welcome. But I should go now" I say "Yeah, you better go. My roommate should be here soon" she says. I get out of her room and I walk to the door. I notice the keys on the floor. I slowly pick them up and I put them inside my pocket.

I walk a few blocks away and I call Dean. "(Y/N), where the hell are you?" "Long story, I have the keys. Come and take me from the bar" I say and I hang up. I go to the bar and I wait for Dean outside. He stops the car in front of me and I get inside. I show him the keys "We got a job to do tonight, thanks to me" I say "How did you take them? And why were you out all n--. Oh..." he says as he realizes what happened "Is there a problem?" I ask "No, of course not. I just didn't know. Why didn't you say anything?" "You didn't ask" I say and he nods. He looked kinda disappointed for some reason but I ignored it.

"At least I admit it" I whisper "What did you say?" "I said that at least I admit it. Not like others" I say looking at him "What do you mean?" "I'm talking about you and Cas" "Me and C--" he cuts himself off. "Why would you even think of that?"  "Come on, I mean those looks are just--" "Shut up" he says and I chuckle.

After the hunt Dean haven't talked to me at all since we killed the werewolf. The car ride was silent and so was our stay to the motel. Rhe second I got out of the shower, he locked himself inside. He stayed there for over three hours. Then I fell asleep.

I get up in the morning and I see Dean sleeping. I chuckle at the view and I go in the bathroom. When I got out he was already dressed and ready to leave. "Good morning" I say "Morning" he says in a grumpy voice. "I'm leaving in 5" he continues.

"Dean!" I call but he ignores me "Dean!" I yell "What?" "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" "What do you mean?" "I mean that you started to act so weird when you are around me since you find out I slept with the barwoman. Are you jealous or something?" "Well, I kinda am but that has nothing to do with it" "Then what?" I ask but he stays silent. "I'm bisexual, so what? Anyways, I don't care if you don't like it because that's what I want. So you either get on board and come back to normal or say it and I'll just go" "No, I have no problem, really" "Just tell me Dean" "I can't" he says and I nod. I take my bag "Where are you going?" Dean asks "I'm leaving" "No, wait--" "I'm tired of waiting for you, Dean" I say and I leave him.

"(Y/N), wait" he says as he runs after me. "(Y/N)!" he says again but I ignore him. He grabs my arm and stops me "What?" I ask pissed "I don't know about you but I'm done waiting" he says and crashes his lips in mines. Ok, maybe once.

I kiss him back and he picks me up. He carries me back and we fall on the bed. He pull away and we both get our t-shirts off.

"Ok... Wow" I say between breaths "Yeah" Dean says "That was amazing. Thank you" I say ans I kiss him. I get up and I start to get dressed. "Where are you going?" he asks "I'm leaving" "Why?" "Did you think that I was gonna stay just for sex?" I ask. He gets up and gets dressed quickly "Why is it that some people can't see a good thing when it's standing in front of them?" he asks pissed and leaves. What?

I run after him "What is that supposed to mean?" I ask "Are you that blind?" he asks "I love you (Y/N). More than just a friend. I love you in a way that I haven't ever had anyone before. I want you... I want you and only you. That's why I freaked out when I found out that you slept with her. That moment I lost every last hope I had about us and I was trying to accept it" he says. I stay silent trying to process what he just said to me. "You have nothing to say now?" he asks.

"Look, you're handsome and... gifted. But to be honest I never thought of you more than being a one night stand. I'm sorry but I am not that into relationships Dean" I say. "I wasn't either before I met you. Just say no if you want to. You don't have to reason yourself" "It's not that I don't want to but I don't think I can. I don't know if I can be faithful" "I thought this way too at first but I am willing to risk it with you. I get it there are many more options out there, especially for you, but please give it a try and the moment one of us gets bored, we end it. Right then and there" "Ok" I say. "Ok?" he asks surprised "Ok" I say and I nod.

He kisses me again. "God, I love you so much" he says but I stay silent "You don't need to say it back if you don't feel it. Say it when you are ready" he says rubbing my cheek softly "Thank you" I say and I kiss him.

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