Daughter (Dean X Reader)

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"Dean!" I yell from the bedroom. He run in the room and he is surprised when he sees me laying on the bed in my new lingerie that I bought earlier. His eyes go wide and he stands next to the door looking at me. "Happy anniversary baby" I say but he doesn't answer. "Are you coming or do I need to do it myself?" I ask and he smiles. He takes his shirt off and climbs on top of me. He kisses me but pulls away after a few seconds "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say and I continue the kiss.

*Next morning*
Dean and Sam left for a case today but I stayed back because I was kinda sore from yesterday. I mean Sam was at the bunker, we were alone at my house, it was our 6th year anniversary and we spent all day in bed.

The doorbell rings and I run to open the door. There was a little girl standing there, hugging her unicorn stuffy. Her green eyes were full of fear and her long blonde hair were braided in two nicely done french braids. "Hi" I say and I kneel "Are you lost?" I ask. She just shakes her head. "Ok, where are your parents?" I ask but she doesn't respond. "Do you know where your mommy is?" I ask and she shakes her head "Your daddy?" I say and she nods. "Come in then, so we can call him ok?" I say and she nods.

I place her on the couch "Do you want some water?" I ask and she nods. I put holy water in a glass and I go back to her. She takes a sip from the straw and nothing happens. I rub her shoulder with a coin in my hand. Ok, human. I kneel in front of her "My name is (Y/N). What's your name?" I ask "Mary" she says "Great, how old are you Mary?" "Five" "Good. Now I want you to tell me your mommy or daddy's name so I can find them and call them" "I don't know my mommy" "Ok. How about your dad?" I ask and she nods. "My dad's name is Dean... Sistester. I think" she says and I finally connect the dots. "Are you sure?" I ask "Dean... Vistester? Wi--" "Winchester?" I ask "Yes" she says.

Of course. She looks just like him. "Are you sure?" I ask "That's what the man that brought me here said" "And who brought you here?" "I don't know his name. But he was dressed like my old dad did when he was going to work and he had blue eyes and black hair" "Your old dad?" "The man told me that he was hurt and he would bring me to my real dad" "Ok" I say still shocked. "Uhm... let me make a call and I'll be back" I say and she nods.

I go to the bedroom and I close the door behind me. I lean to it and I take a deep breath before dialing Dean's number "Hey babe, how are you?" "Great, I'm great. How are you doing? How is the case going?" "It's a simple salt and burn" "Great, because I need you back" "Can't live without me?" "Yeah, yeah. There is a girl here that is looking for you" "Girl?" "Yes, I can keep her until you come back but please be quick" "Uhm, ok. I'll be there probably by midnight" "Ok, see you" I say and I hung up before he talks again. I wipe a tear that escaped my eye and I go back to the living room.

"Mary? Are you hungry?" I ask and she nods. "Ok, I'll be in the kitchen making you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich" I say and she nods. I take the ingredients out of the shelves and I start making the sandwich. I put it in half triangular and I leave the knife on the counter. I close my eyes and a few tears fall.

How could he do this? And how could he be so ok with it? He cheated on me and never said a thing. Was it just one woman? Was it just one time? How can he be so heartless? He is being playing with me this whole time?

"Are you ok?" a little voice brings me back to reality. I quickly wipe my tears "Yes, everything is fine" I say and I take the plate "Let's go back on the couch" I say and she nods. She started eating "Can I ask you one more thing?" I ask and she nods "When is your birthday?" "April 6th"

Flashback April 11th (4 years ago)

"Dean what the hell is wrong with you?" I ask "What do you mean?" he asks getting up from the couch "You're drinking all day, you don't get up from the couch and you don't really talk. Did something happen?" I ask and I rub his shoulder. "No, everything is fine. Don't worry" he says and kisses me "Are you sure?" I ask "Yes. I'm sorry for upsetting you" he says.

End of flashback

That's why he was acting like that. Which means that he knew. He knew that he had a daughter and didn't care to be in her life.

"Is my daddy coming?" she asks "He will be here as soon as he can" "Is he going to leave me after?" she asks and her eyes are glossy "I don't think so" "I don't want to go back to that place again" "What place?" "When my mommy and daddy got hurt a bad lady took me and a few other kids in her house. But she was mean and she was yelling all the time--" she says crying "It's ok, you aren't going back" I say and I hug her. "You're staying here, ok?" I say and she nods.

We watched movies until late while we are waiting for Dean. But she fell asleep on my lap in the middle of the second time watching Frozen. I hear the Impala pulling over and I slowly get up, carrying her to my bed. Dean comes in the house and I slap him. "What the--" he says but I interrupt him "Did you forget to tell me something?" I ask "Like?" "Oh, you still don't want to tell me?" "Tell you what?" "That you have cheated on me".

"What?" he asks "You still don't want to admit it?" "I never cheated on you" "Then why a blonde 4-year-old with green eyes, same as yours, that is sleeping inside says that you are her real daddy?" I yell but trying to whisper at the same time. "(Y/N), she could be anyone" "She's human Dean. And she looks just like you. So please tell me the truth" "Where is she?" "In the bedroom" I say and he rushes there.

I stand to the doorframe while he sits next to her. A notification in his phone makes Mary change her position. He takes his phone out and probably reads the message and smiles. He looks back at Mary and smiles even more. "Who's the mom?" I ask. "We should talk" he says "No, just tell me. The name please. Was it Lisa?" "No" "Then tell me the truth for once" "You are" he says "Yeah, right. I think I would remember of I had a child" "Come with me" he says and takes me out of the room.

"You are her mother. I had Cas wipe your memories of pregnancy because... You were on your 7th month when you called me and said that you were bleeding. I came home as fast as I could and I took you to the hospital. She had her cord wrapped around her neck so they took you in for an emergency C-section. But we never saw her. She was dead. Or that's what we were told" he says and a tear escapes his eye "Yeah, right. Nice story" "It's the truth. Look" he says and shows me a message from Cas 'She is your daughter. We have to find a way to tell (Y/N) the truth. I may be able to bring the memories back'.

"I'm sorry. I had to get Cas to wipe your memories because you were a mess after this. You were blaming yourself for all this and I couldn't take it. The pain was twice for me. Seeing you like that was the worst part of it" he says.

"So you went through this alone?" I ask "I had to. It was better than seeing you suffer the way you did" "I could have helped you" "I'm sorry. I was selfish, I know--" "I love you" I say and I kiss him. "I love you too" he says. "Let's go lay down with our baby girl" he says and I nod. "Did you notice her sleep face?" he asks "What?" "It's the same as yours" he says and kisses me.

3 months later
"Mary, time for dinner" I shout "Give us a second" Dean shouts from inside. Mary comes running to me and I notice that she is wearing her glitter-pink favourite dress. "Did daddy help you wear it?" I ask and she nods. "And he asked me to give you this" she says and hands me a piece of paper. 'Come in Mary's room'.

"Come with me mommy" she says and takes my hand. I open the door and I notice that the only light in the room was from the decoration (Christmas) lights that were along the wall. "What is this?" I ask and then I notice Dean. "I love you" he says and kisses me "I love you too" I say. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me (Y/N) and I want to be with you forever". He kneels in front of me and takes a little box out of his pocket "Will you marry me (Y/N)?" he asks but I'm just standing there shocked. "Ok, just say it if you don't want to" "Of course I want to marry you Dean" I say and I kiss him. "Yes. Mommy and daddy are getting married" Mary exclaims.

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