Bad turn (Dean X Reader)

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Dean and I have been together for five years now and he is the only thing good thing I had ever had in my life. Those last five years was the best of my life. And they became even better when I found out that I was pregnant. At first I was scared. I didn't know if I should say it to Dean or leave and take care of it on my own.

But he didn't deserve to be treated like that. I mean it's his child too. So I let the test on his pillow and I waited for his reaction. From the first second, he was so happy and supportive. He convinced me that we can do it, that we can make it work. And I really believe that we can.

During the whole pregnancy he was the best to-be-dad. He is putting up with my hormones without getting pissed at me no matter what I do. He is making sure that I get any weird appetite I desire at any time. There were more than a couple of times that I woke up during the night hungry and he is waking up with a smile on his face everytime and he goes out at 3 am to get me what I want. He is the best and he is going to be the best dad to our babygirl. I'm sure of that.

I leave our room and I come across him in the hallway. "Good morning mommy" he says smiling "Nope" I say stopping him "Well, you call me baby daddy" he whispers in my ear "And now I will never do that again" I say and he chuckles. "I need help with my laces" I say and he walks to me. He kneels in front of me and ties my shoes. He did that lately because my belly is too big for me to reach down there. "Thank you" I say "Anytime" he says. "You are amazing" I say and I peck his lips "You are amazing" he says and kisses my lips.

He places his hand on my belly "I can't wait to meet you" he says "Me neither" I say looking at him. "Did we take the right decision?" he asks "We'll find out soon" I say and he smiles. "Gosh, I can't believe that this is really happening" he says "I know. We can make this work, right?" I ask "We can" he says and kisses my lips.

We go to the library and a few seconds later Crowley appears. "What the hell do you want?" Dean asks knocking him on the floor and holding the demon blade against his neck "Hello to you too" Crowley says "Answer" Dean shouts "(Y/N), some help?" he asks me and I roll my eyes "Let him talk Dean" I say. He turns and looks at me "Really?" he asks surprised "What if he tries something?" he continues "Then you kill him" I say. He nods and gets up from him.

Crowley stands up and then Sam comes in the library. "Thank you. Hello moose" "What do you want Crowley?" he asks "There is a possibility that one of my dogs left--" "You let a hell hound escape?" Dean asks pissed "I didn't let... I don't seem to be able to find her" he says. Sam opens his laptop and looks for animal attacks. "It's that easy" Sam says showing him the reports from the last days.

"Thank you, I should be going now" Crowley says and turns to leave but Dean stops him "Sam and I got this. She better be killed so this doesn't happen again" Dean says "She is getting grounded, don't worry" he says. That's when I felt liquid running from between my thighs to my feet. I gasp and I put my hand on my back. "Yes, I think that you should let Crowley do that" I say "You don't need to point that out. I know that I'm better than them" Crowley says "No, you're not. My waters just broke" I say calmly and I look on the wet floor. Everybody's eyes follow mine.

"We are leaving" Dean says and runs in the room. I start to walk slowly to the door. By the time I got there Dean already came back and reached me. "You can walk? Do you want me to carry you?" he asks worried "I'm fine. Did you get everything?" I ask and he nods showing me the bag.

When we arrived at the hospital, we immediately got in our room and waited for my doctor. During the drive the pain had gotten a lot worse. Dean was holding my hand as contractions hit me and asking me "Are you ok?" he asks AGAIN "No, stop asking me that" I say "Ok, sorry. I just don't know what to do" he says "Me neither. Make me feel better, make me forget the pain, do something" I say "Uhm... Do you need a pillow or something?" he asks trying to fix my pillows "No, stop" I say "I'm sorry... I'm just freaking out" "And what am I gonna do?" "I don't know" he says as another contraction hit me. I squeeze his hand as much as I can.

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