Last night (Dean X Reader)

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I had a crush on Dean since the day I met him. But of course he doesn't sees me like this. He keeps reminding me that I'm his little sister and best friend. He talks to me about everything including chicks. Sam had suspected that I liked his brother but I never admitted it to anyone. I was determined that I'm gonna die with this secret because I don't want to lose the only family I have left.

But last night was different. Last night was the best night of my life. I haven't experienced anything else close to that before. Yes, I was drunk but I remember every last detail. The touching and the feeling all of each other, his hands everywhere, tracing every inch of my body. The two of us moving together, pressing and pulling... grinding. And then he hit that sweet spot and everything just builds and builds and builds until it all just... And that was only in the first round.

I open my eyes and I turn to him. He was still asleep and he seemed pretty tired. I don't blame him. I mean I still feel sore from last night. I get up slowly from the bed making sure I didn't wake him up. I gather my clothes and I get out of his room.

I ran to the bathroom and I take a quick shower. I go to my room, I get dressed and I go to make breakfast. While I was cooking bacon, Dean came in the kitchen "Good morning" I say in a happy tone "Morning" he says rubbing his eyes "You seem pretty cheerful" he continues "I am" I say and I smile. "Can I ask you something?" he says as he tries to take a piece of bacon from the pan but he burns his finger. "Ask and wait until it's ready" I say and he nods. "Last night I went to the bar, right?" he asks "Yes" "Ok. Do you remember if I came with a girl last night? Because I woke up naked in my bed so I'm guessing that that's what happened" he says "You don't remember last night?" I ask disappointed but still hoping that he remembers me at least. "No, and my head hurts too much to let me think right now" he says and sits down.

I tried to stay calm and not cry. I thought that he finally saw me like a woman, that he finally liked me. But maybe this was all because he was too drank to care with who he'll screw. He just needed someone and I spread my legs for him with the first chance I got. "Well, the fact that I don't remember probably means that it shouldn't be something mesmerising. You know, usually you remember the good and the amazing. So did you she her come or leave this morning?" he asks. I take a step back from the hot pan so I don't throw it on his head. "No, I'm sorry" I say and I run to my room. I heard him call my name but I ignored him and I locked myself inside my room. 

Great (Y/N). Great job. Not only he doesn't like you but now you know what he thinks about you. You aren't someone important to him. You are not something mesmerising. You were just an easy lay that he didn't even like. You weren't even good enough to please him according to him.

Sam's POV
I got back from my morning run and went straight to the kitchen in order to grab some water. Dean was sitting in the kitchen "Good morning" I say "Good morning. Is there something wrong with (Y/N)?" he asks and I chuckle "You're asking me? Come on, I heard you last night" I say "Sorry but last night was amazing" he says and I smile. "Agh" he groans "My head is killing me and every flashback from last night makes it worse. By the way, do you maybe remember with who I came last night from the bar because even though everything about it comes back, I can't remember her face" he says and I immediately understand what might be wrong with (Y/N). "I gotta go" I say and I leave the kitchen. 

I run to her room and I knock on the door. "Leave" she shouts "(Y/N), it's Sam. Please open the door" I beg "Leave me alone Sam" she says and I can hear in her voice that she is crying "I know what happened last night and I am guessing that you are pissed that he doesn't remember--" I was saying when she opended the door. "Don't say it. Come in" she says and I do. She sits back on her bed and takes a deep breath. She looked really hurt and she was probably crying for quite some time now.

Your POV
"It was amazing Sam. It was the best night of my life and he just doesn't even remember me. And... and after the third time he said that he loves me and I was stupid enough to believe him" I say and I start to cry again. "If it makes you feel better, it was amazing for him too" he says "No. He told me that it wasn't probably that good or else he would remember" "That's not what he said to me" "Please don't lie to me just to make me feel better" "I'm not lying to you" he says and I get up from the bed. "Nixe try but I heard him say that it wasn't good" I say and I get out of my room. 

"(Y/N), where are you going?" he asks following me "To get drank so maybe I can forget him like he forgot me" I say pissed and I get in the kitchen. Dean was still in there but I ignore him. I take a bottle of his scotch "(Y/N), are you ok?" Dean asks but I ignore him. "What happened?" I hear him ask Sam but Sam doesn't answer. So Dean runs after me and stops me before I get in my room "Leave me alone" I say "No. (Y/N), are you ok?" he asks cupping my face and wiping my tears with his thumb. "No, Dean I'm not ok" I say and I jerk away from him and I lock my door.

Dean's POV
I cup her cheeks and I wipe the tears that were streaming down her beautiful face. "No, Dean I'm not ok" she says and finally looks me in the eyes. It's the first time I see her like that. I haven't seen her so hurt before. She looked like she was ready to give up. She escapes from my grip and locks her door. But I wasn't going to let her fall apart. I went to my room, I got my lock picking tools and I walked back to her room. 

Your POV
I hear someone pickind my lock and then I see Dean.  "Get out" I say "No" he says and walks to me. He sits next to me on the bed and I take a bit sip of the cheap liquor "Hey, easy" Dean says and takes the bottle from my hand. "First talk and then drink" he says "Trust me, you don't want to hear what I have to say" I say and I try to take my bottle back but he doesn't let me to "I don't care if I like it or not, I want to hear it" he says. "Basically, I realized that I fell in love with the wrong person and I don't know how stop it. Satisfied?" "No" he says and I roll my eyes. 

"(Y/N), you are always there when I need you so now I'm here for you" he says bringing his hand to my cheek. I take a deep breath and I look at him. His green eyes more beautiful than ever where making me feel like he really cared about me. But I couldn't say it "I'm sorry, I can't" I say and I look down "Look at me, please" he says and I do "Close your eyes and take a deep breath" he says. I close my eyes and I take a deep breath in order to calm down. But I kept my eyes closed. It felt a bit better than looking at him right now. Suddenly, I felt his lips brush softly over mines. I open my eyes and he pulls away a few inches. He smiles at me and leans to kiss me again. 

I push him away "No, stop" I say and he looks at me. "It was you" he says "What?" "Last night. I was with you" he says and I look away from him "Yeah, it was me. You slept with me last night. You had sex with me and you said things that made me fall more for you. You said that you love me. And I believed you. So imagine my pain the next morning when you woke up and didn't remember a thing" I say trying not to fall apart this time. Admitting it to him was more painful that I thought. "And not only that. You didn't even like it and you said it in my face. So thanks Dean" I say between more tears and sobs. 

"I didn't lie" he says "Oh yeah, thanks" I say ironically "No, not about that. About loving you. I love you (Y/N) and I remember now. Last night was amazing. You were amazing and the second I put my lips on yours, I felt the same way I felt last night. You are pretty mesmerising baby" "Well, that's not what you said earlier" I say "I know but it was until I looked at you again and everything came back except your face. But now I remember everything" "Are you lying to me just to make me feel better?" I ask. He walks to me and hugs me "No, baby. I never lied to you" he whispers and kisses my head. "So do you want to go out with me tonight?" he asks and I chuckle "Are we really doing that?" I ask "Yes" he says and smiles "I will be waiting for you in the library at 8" he says and pecks my lips before he leaves my room.

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