Big little accident (Dean X Reader)

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Requested by Wheels_up_in_30


The boys and I have worked several cases together but this one... We've been trying to track this nest for weeks now and we finally got them. But I couldn't go with them on this one because I had some personal things going on, and the boys agreed that it's better to stay back if I don't feel good. The truth is that after that drunk one night stand between Dean and I, a couple of months ago, he wouldn't really argue with me because he feels bad for taking advantage of me even though we were both too drunk to care that night. But I really wanted it for long time now. When I realized what had happened, I thought that might the reason for us to start something important because I've been in love with the older Winchester for a while now but it was the exact opposite. It made us more distant.

Unfortunately, the hunt didn't go as planned and two of the vampires managed to get away. Dean was furious about it. So on the way back, none of us talked but I could tell that Dean is pissed by the way his hand is holding the steering wheel. Sam was sitting awkwardly on the backseat and was looking at his phone from time to time.

"I'm thinking of going out for a drink tonight. Wanna join me?" Sam asks
"I can't come Sam, sorry" I say
"Oh she speaks!" Dean says
"Can you not do that?" I ask him
"Do what?" he asks
"Play mad" I say
"Oh I'm not playing mad. I am mad! We've been watching over that nest for weeks now and we would kill them all if you hadn't decided to stay back the last minute" he says
"I told you that I couldn't come" I say.

"Why?" he asks
"Because I had to be somewhere else" I answer immediately
"Somewhere more important than cleaning a vampire nest?" he asks pissed
"Really? Where?"
"Somewhere!" I answer pissed too at the this point "It's a bit personal" I say calmer this time
"And what is that supposed to mean?" he asks still pissed
"P-e-r-s-o-n-a-l. Personal!" I say "I'm gonna talk about it with you when I can" I continue.

"No! You are gonna tell me now" he says
"You know what? I was gonna tell you if you'd ask me nicer. But seeing you this angry... it doesn't make me want to talk to you about it. What is happening to you today anyway?" I ask. "Are you on your period?" I ask breaking the serious tone of the conversation and I hear Sam's chuckle.
"(Y/N)!" Dean says
"Ok, ok, sorry, I--" I was saying but a loud noise and a big crash interrupted me.

The next thing I remember is pain. My whole body was in pain and I was freezing. My head was laying on something that was coming up and down and soon I realized that it's actually Dean's chest. He started to move his body "(Y/N)? Sammy?" he calls but I couldn't talk. I couldn't even open my eyes.

Dean's POV
"I'm here" Sammy says. I turn my head and I see that he had already made it out of the car. "We got T-boned by a semitruck and it seems like he left us here when he realised what happened. The front part of the car got the worst of it" he continues
"Are you ok?" I ask him without moving more because I was scared that I might injure (Y/N) even more.
"I think so. How are you and (Y/N)? She got most of the hit, didn't she?" he asks
"It's... She's not looking good. She's pale and she is bleeding from somewhere... Her feet and waist are trapped between the broken sheets and the dashboard. The rest of her body is laying on my chest and I don't think that I should move" I say trying to sound as calm as I could but the truth is that I'm terrified. I take her hand and I try to find pulse from her wrist. "She has a pulse" I say a bit relieved.

"Great. I've already called for an ambulance and Cas, but he isn't answering" Sam says.
"Where the hell is he?" I ask
"I don't know" he says. I look back at (Y/N) and a whisper comes out of her mouth. "(Y/N)? Can you listen to me?" I ask rubbing her hand softly afraid that I might hurt her
"Dean?" she manages to whisper
"Yes, yes, I'm right here. Everything is gonna be ok" I say
"No. Everything that I can still feel hurts, my legs and waist are crashed and I can't feel my entire right side. But I-- I need tell you something" she says as her teeth were slightly chattering
"No, you need to keep your energy, alright?" I say
"Dean, I-- I'm--" but as she says that blood starts coming out of her mouth. She cough a couple of times and her head falls back on me.
"(Y/N)?" I call but she doesn't answer. I take her wrist trying to find her pulse again but there was only a very weak one. At this point I could hear the sound from the sirens of the ambulance coming closer.

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