Alone (Dean X Reader)

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Five years in med school and the first finish line is a month away. I go home after class and I start studying again. I need a good outcome so I can start my internship. But I feel like I can't understand anything. I'm going to fail for sure. I can't do this. I'm going to fail and then I'm going to be a failure for the rest of my life.

Well, I already am. I have nobody except Maya, my best friend but she can't help me right now. She's too busy being with her boyfriend, good for her. I'm happy for her because it seems like she and her boyfriend are doing really good.

My parents are away, working. They don't really give a shit about me except calling once a month to check if I'm still alive I guess. If I weren't they wouldn't need to send me money anymore.

I get up from my desk and I go for a walk. After walking for about an hour I sit on a bench next to the park. I am trying to find a way that will get me through this but there is not. A few tears fall. Nothing can help me. No one can help me. I have no one to help me. I'm all alone. I'm all alone and I'll forever be because who would want to be with me? Who is that stupid to even come close to me and my problems? Nobody. Because I'm a loser with a capital L. And I'm going to fail these exams and my parents are going to stop sending me money. Because I'm a loser and a failure. Who wants a failure? Nobody.

"Hey, are you ok?" somebody asks and I snap out of my thoughts. It was a man probably around mid thirties, maybe early forties. He is wearing a suit and he looks really good. His green eyes are full of concern. But he is probably here to rape me so I better go. "Yes, I'm fine" I say and I try to get up but he doesn't let me go "Wait. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm actually..." he says and takes something out of his jacket "...FBI" he continues. I sit back down and he kneels in front of me.

"I'm Dean" he says "(Y/N)" "Are you ok (Y/N)?" he asks again. I wipe my tears and I nod. "Yeah, I'm just stressed for my boards. That's all" I say "Why? I mean you seem like someone that doesn't need to be" "I need to be because I know nothing and if I fail... Well, five years of my life will mean nothing" "Five?" "Yeah, med school" "Wow" "It's not that fascinating because I'm gonna fail. Like I always do" I say and I wipe a tear that fell "Trust me, I know how it feels like to fail people" "I'm not talking about failing people, Dean. Because I don't have anyone to fail anymore. I'm all alone and I was dealing with it fine until now *sob*. Because if I fail now I will have nothing left at all *sob*. Nothing" I say and the sob don't let me say more.

Dean wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to his chest. He rubs my back softly and lets me cry in his chest. "Shh, it's ok. You are going to do great" he whispers. I pull away and I stand up "I need to go" I say and I leave him behind.

Next morning my alarm woke me up. I got ready and I went in class. After it was over, I gathered my things and I was ready to leave until "(Y/N), the president needs you in his office" my teacher says and I nod. I go there and I meet with a familiar face. "Mrs. (Y/L/N), these gentlemen are FBI and they need to talk to you in private. They think that you'll be able to help them with a case" "Sure" I say kinda hesitating "Great, class 5 is empty so you can go" he says and we all go there. "I'll leave the three of you talk" he says and leaves us.

"Mrs (Y/L/N)--" the other guy says "Just (Y/N) please" I say and he nods. I look at Dean that seemed like he was surprised to see me. "(Y/N), I'm sorry to tell you that--" "Sammy stop" Dean says "What?" I ask "You shouldn't find out like that" he says "Find out what?" I ask and then I realized "Who died?" I ask "Maya Borre was killed yesterday" Sam says "And we were hoping you could help us find--" he continues but I cut him off "I'm sorry" I say and I get out of the class.

But Dean follows me. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) wait!" he shouts but I ignore him. "Wait" he says again and grabs my arm. He spins me around to face me. "Look, I know that yesterday we shared a moment or whatever and thank you for that but I need to go" I say and he lets go of me. "Just let me drive you home. Please" he says "Fine" I whisper and I wipe my tears. "Let's go" he says and leads me to his car.

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