Plan B (Dean X Reader)

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Ok, I admit it. I'm in love with him. I've been in love with him since always. Dean is the love of my life but he doesn't seem to notice. He actually doesn't even notice me. He just ignores me most of the time because he doesn't like me. Sam is the one who brought me in the bunker in the first place and said that Dean wouldn't mind. But he was wrong. So Dean almost always acts like I'm not there and talks to me only when it's necessary. This is happening for the last two years.

At first I tried to be nice to him, to be polite and not bother him but he didn't care. So I stopped caring too. Well, at least I tried to stop caring. I couldn't forget him. Everytime he would walk in the room, I feel like the room gets hotter and butterflies are going crazy in my stomach. And when he smiles, which he does rarely in front of me, I can't help it but smile too and keep staring at him. He is pretty dreamy and I have no idea how he does it but everytime I see him he is even more beautiful than before. It's really hard to take my eyes off of him. But of course he hasn't noticed.

Sam, on the other hand, has noticed it from the first days. There were many times that he tried to convince me to go talk with Dean but he gave up after the first year. There was no way I'm talking to Dean about what I feel. He doesn't really like chick flick moments and feelings like these. And I'm scared of what his rejection can do to me. So I prefer not to find out what he thinks.

I spend a few days at Jody's because I needed some time to go away but today the boys needed me. Well, Sam needed me because we have research to do. He said that we are looking for something called Occultum. Never hears of it before but that's what the library is there for. Not that I'm into reading like Sam but this way I can be useful to the boys. That's actually the only reason that Dean talks to me.
'(Y/N), what are we hunting?'
'Did you find it?'
'You didn't find it yet?'
'Is there anything to eat?'
'Tell Sammy that I'm gonna be late'
Those are pretty much the only things he says to me with the last one hurting me a bit more.

I park the car in the garage and I get out of the car. Dean was in the garage too, cleaning the Impala. I look at him for a second and he looks at me. But as soon as our sights met, we both looked away. "Is Sam in the library?" I ask "Yeah, he has already started searching" he says not even looking at me and I nod "Thanks" I say and I leave him.

I go to the library and I see Sam and a ton of books in front of him. "Hey welcome back" he says and hugs me "I missed you" I say and I hug him back. "Let me guess, he ignored you again" he says "Of course he did. But I don't care anymore. He can do whatever he wants and I just don't care anymore" I say and I sit on the chair "Yeah, right" he says ironically. "I'm serious. These days away made me realize that I don't need him. I just need to understand that. So that's what I'm doing" I say "Sure" he says still ironically "Hey, don't do that" I say and he chuckles. "I'm gonna believe you when he comes in the room and you won't blush" he says and looks at his book again.

"I'm gonna go change and then I'll come to help you. But if you make fun of me again, I'm not doing anything" I say and I smack his shoulder. I walk to my room but I stopped in the way because I saw something weird im the storage room. I walk inside and I see transparent Sam and Dean playing rock paper scissors. But they had weird clothes on and Sam had a man bun. "Guys!" I shout standing there still looking at them. Sam rushes in the room "Oh yeah, I forgot. They are us from a different universe and they opened a rift but because their world got destroyed they kinda stuck in there" Sam says "Ok, too much information. But look at the man bun" I say and I start laughing. "Don't worry, I'm never gonna forget that I saw it" I say and I leave laughing.

I changed and by the time I went back to the library Cas was there. "Hi Cas" I say "Hello (Y/N)" he says and then Dean came in the library. "Hello Dean" Cas says "Hi Cas. So anything on the Occultum?" Dean asks. I don't answer and I sit down. "I have something. The last person that took him is described as attractive and healing people with her glowing hands" Cas says "Jo. Ok let's go" Dean says "Attractive huh? More like hot as hell" Dean says as they walk to the door. Sam turns and looks at me and I smile at him like I didn't care about what I've just heard.

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