Anger (Dean X Reader)

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"Cut! Great work, see you on Monday guys" the director yells. Matt, my costar, offers me his hand to help me get up from the bed. "Thank you" I say "Your welcome. I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything today in the make out scene" "No, you were great" I say and he chuckles "No, I didn't mean it this way" I say laughing "I know. Anyways, have a nice weekend. See you on Monday. Say hi from me to Dean" "Sure. See you on Monday" I say and I leave set. I go by the office to take my new script and I go to my car.

"Honey, I'm home" I say as I get in the bunker. I go downstairs and then Dean comes. "Welcome back" he says and kisses me. "How was your day?" he asks "It would be better if you were my costar. Also Matt says hi" and by saying that I can see that he got kinda annoyed "Well, we have all weekend for us. Sammy is at Jody's and he'll be staying there for the weekend" "Great" I say and I kiss him "I was thinking for tonight that we can go out for a date, like the old days" Dean says "Sure. Let me go get ready and then we can leave" "Ok" he says and kisses. I go to his room, where I had a few of my stuff, and I change my clothes to something more fitting for a date.

That night we ended up going to my place for the night because it was nearer that the bunker. We woke up together and had a shower before breakfast. And after that we sat on the couch and watched TV. My head was laying on Dean's lap and I was checking my messages. "Oh God..." I whisper "What?" Dean asks "Listen, Actress (Y/N) (Y/L/N) caught on a romantic date with her boyfriend, Who is the sexy guy who was out with (Y/L/N) last night?, Click to see (Y/L/N)'s dreamy boyfriend, Wow, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) has a mysterious boyfriend. Who is he?, All the girls go crazy over (Y/N) (Y/L/N)'s boyfriend. All these are headlines from last night and this morning. Seems like we were caught last night" I say and Dean takes my phone and reads it himself.

"How did this happen?" he asks "Probably they just saw us. It's nothing, don't worry" "No, (Y/N), if anyone finds out who this guy in the picture is you will be in danger" "Dean calm down, everything will be fine. Don't take this so serious. It's not like I'm a big star that people are gonna care for more than two to three days. I'll be fine, ok?" I say and he nods. "Great" I say and I hug him.

A few hours later I got a text from my agent. "Hey listen, my agent just texted me. There are asking for interviews and even a couple's photoshoot" I say and I chuckle "Can you be serious for a bit?" Dean asks "I was just joking Dean" "That's the problem (Y/N), you're not taking this seriously. Demons, angels and every other monster are trying to find a way to kill me and if one of them finds one of this articles you will be in danger. So please stop living in that bubble of yours and be serious" he yells "Do you think I'm not taking this seriously? Did you forget about the time I was working on cases with you? I haven't forgotten anything about it Dean. Of course I didn't think to ask you about the interviews because I know that there is no chance we'll do them. I was just trying to show you how that think works and that it's going to be forgotten in a couple of days" I say and my phone lights up.

There is a message from Matt 'Seems like your secret is out' I read and I chuckle "Who was it?" Dean asks "Matt, he saw the articles probably" "He is the guy that you get paid to kiss right?" "I'm not having this conversation with you now" "Yeah because in this fancy life you live in, you can have anything you want at any time so now it's me that needs to wait. Are you going to start paying me too? Oh sorry, you already do" "Here we go again with the money" "Yes, because it seems like it changes you more and more and it makes you more naive" "No, it doesn't--" "Yes, it does" he says and takes his jacket "Oh no, you can't just throw the bomb and leave" I say "Watch me" he says and leaves the house.

I spent all night thinking about what Dean had said to me yesterday. He might be right. I shouldn't stretch it this far. He was worried and I was making fun of it. So I got up and drove to the bunker.

I walked inside the bunker trying to find him. I finally spotted him in the kitchen. "Hi" I say but he ignores me "I wanted to say that I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. You were right, I shouldn't be joking about this kind of things. You were worried and I get why but I chose to play with it. I want you to know that I haven't changed because of the fame or the money. I'm still (Y/N), your (Y/N)". "Ok" he says and leaves the kitchen.

I follow him to his room "Ok? What does this mean?" "It means that I heard what you had to say so you can go now" he says and I just stare at him. "Did you not hear me?" he asks "No, I... I heard you. So this is it? Are we breaking up? In case you forgot, all of this started because of some stupid photos" "I didn't say that we are breaking up, I just need time to think" "You need time to think or you just found an out" "I don't know" he says and I feel my heart tear into pieces. "Now if you are done, you can go because I'm tired and I want to get some rest before the next case" he says as he changed his clothes.

"Do you love me anymore?" I ask but he doesn't answer avoiding eye contact. "Ok, I'm leaving. If you still care even a bit about me, you are going to stop me, but if I close this door you'll never see me again. Got it?" I say with watery eyes. "Are you still here?" he asks finally looking at me. I just nod and I leave.

The next morning that I went on set, it didn't take Matt long to realize that something was going on. "Now that we are on a break tell me what happened?" he asks as he sits next to me. "Dean and I are over" I say and he looks at me surprised. "No..." "Oh yes" "Why? I mean you seemed so in love and, from what I heard from you, you can't live away from eachother" "Well, I thought this way too but it seems like I was the only one that did" "What--" "We are needed on set" I say and I get up not letting him make more questions.

Three days later and still no sign of Dean. Good, better for me. This way I can move on and find better... Who am I trying to trick here?

Today I have the day off so I decided to spend it on bed, alone. Thinking about what the hell I did so wrong to make him hate me so much that he broke me in four words. "Are you still here?" I still can remember the cold without emotional look he had on.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I go to open it but I look from the window first. It's Dean. "(Y/N) I know that you are inside because I went to find you on set and they told me that you have the day off" he says. I go to the door and I sit down laying my back against it. I shouldn't open. But I can't just let him go. No, no, he made his choice when he let me walk away.

"(Y/N)... (Y/N) I hope you can hear me. I should have stopped you. You're the love of my life and I should have stopped you. But instead I just let you walk away because it was easier than admitting that I was wrong. I don't know why I get so angry *sob* I just know that... it's just always have been there. And when things go bad, when I'm scared that I'm gonna lose someone that I love, it comes out. And I can't *sob* I can't stop it. *sob* No matter how bad I want to I just can't stop it *sob*. And I forgive you *sob* of course I forgive you. I'm sorry it took me so long to *sob* I'm sorry it took me until now to say it. (Y/N) I'm so sorry" he says and it seems like he is not the only one who is crying right now.

"I love you (Y/N) and I forever will" he says "Even when I'm not taking things seriously?" I ask "Yes, yes, even then" he says. I get up and I open the door. He hugs me immediately and I hug him back. "I love you so much. I'm sorry for what I said and did" he whispers "I know" I say.

"By the way you have to thank Matt for this" he says as we pull away "Oh no, what did he tell you?" "I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me again but he reassured me that you are not ok and you can't leave without me" "Well, that's not a secret" I say and I kiss him.

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