On your side (Dean X Reader)

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Sam and I met a lot of years back when Azazel kidnapped both of us and a few other people and brought us all together in a place to kill eachother. But he helped me escape when there were only three of us and gave him his number in case I needed help. And I really need help right now. I did something stupid last year and I've been trying to call him since then but he doesn't pick up his phone. It just goes straight to voicemail and says 'If it's urgent call my brother' but I don't have his brother's number so I keep calling him once everyday hoping that he is going to pick up. But it's getting harder and harder and I keep using because I just can't stop.

My phone starts ringing and I pick up the second I saw Sam's number. "Sam?" "Who is this?" "It's (Y/N). I know that is been a long time but I need help and you are the only one who can help me right now" "Ok, text me your location and I'll be there as soon as I can" "Thank you" I say as I hang up.

The next morning he knocked on my door and I let him in. "I'm sorry it took me so long to call you but this was a really old phone of mine and I found it yesterday" he says and I nod. "So what happened?" he asks "I met a guy, Frank, in the bar last year and we ended up in bed. But the next morning when I woke up I was feeling weird but good. Long story short, he was a demon and he fed me his blood" I say and his eyes go wide. "I tried to stop, I really tried Sam but I can't stop. He is always around and keeps leaving me small bottles with his blood when he sees that I need it and I can't stop myself from using" I say and he nods.

"If you don't want anything to do with me, I totally get it. So just say it and I will go with plan B" I say "Wait, what is plan B?" he asks worried "These" I say pulling a bottle with pills out of my drawer "Where did you even find them?" "It's a long story" "Go take your things, you are coming with me" "What?" "I'm gonna help you get out of this, ok? I just need you to trust me. Can you do that?" he asks and I nod.

We go to my room together and he helps me pack my things checking that I didn't take any demon blood. "I'm sorry for forcing you to help me" I say "You're not forcing me into it. I just want to finish what I started all those years back. You don't deserve what happened to you. You didn't choose this" he says and I nod "Thank you" I say.

"Don't thank him yet" I hear Frank say. We both turn around and look at him "Wow, you choosing a Winchester over me really hurt me baby" he says and throws us on the wall. "You could have became stronger than he ever was (Y/N)" he says walking to me. Sam takes a knife out of his jacket and gets ready to stab him but he gets thrown away again out of the room and through the door of it. A few seconds later another loud bang and steps caused Frank to turn around. "Sammy?" another voice shouts from the living room. "You stay right here" Frank say and punches me in the face.

He gets ready to walk out of the room but he stops right by the door where a knife was thrown at him stabbing him in the chest. The orange light was fading from him as he was falling on the floor. I tried to get up but I was still feeling dizzy and all my body hurts from the hit on the wall. "Sammy, are you ok?" the same voice asks but I couldn't see him yet "I'm fine, I'm fine. Go check on (Y/N), she's in there" Sam says.

A guy walks in the room and rushes to me. My first thought was 'Wow, he is so handsome'. His dirty blonde short hair and the blonde freckles that were allover his face are complimenting really nicely his piercing green eyes that were full of concern. These smooth and pink lips are like the lips that every movie is talking about with the only difference here being that they are real now and that sharp jawline... The only bad thing is that he is wearing many layers of clothing right now. "I'm guessing that you are (Y/N). Are you ok?" he asks me with his really deep voice.

I snap out of that condition of amaze I was in. "I think so" I say and he nods. He offers me his hand and I take it. His touch sent a wave of goosebumps allover my body. He helps me stand up but I groan a bit because my back, that got most of the hit, was still killing me. "Let me help" he says and helps me sit on my bed. He kneels in front of me still holding my hand. He looks at me and I look at him.

"I'm Dean by the way" he says "I'm (Y/N), but you already know it" I say and he smiles as he nods. Just his smile made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. He rubs the back of my hand with his thumb which caused another wave of goosebumps run in my whole body. "Everything ok?" Sam asks as he walks in the room. Dean and I both break the eye contact. "Yeah, she just seems to be still in a little pain" Dean says "Ok, are you ready to go (Y/N)?" Sam asks "Yes" I say "Wait, what?" Dean asks "I'm gonna explain it to you later Dean. Just know for now that she is staying with us for a while" Sam says.

"If there is a problem--" I start to say but Dean stops me "No, it's fine" Dean says and I nod. I get up from the bed and Sam takes my suitcase. "Follow me" Dean says and I do. The three of us walk to their car. "Nice car" I say "Thank you" Dean says proudly. He helps me sit in the backseat and they both sit in the front.

While we were on the road, I could feel Dean's gaze being on me through the review mirror more than a few times and honestly I didn't really mind. When we arrived at the bunker he offered to show me around and get me to my room. "So here it is. It's not something big but--" "It's great" I say and he nods. He looks me in the eyes and takes a step closer to me. All the air was knocked out of my lungs when his hand started to travel from my palm to my shoulder and then back to my palm. I take a deep breath and I step back. "I'm gonna be in the kitchen with Sam if you need anything" he says and leaves the room.

As he gets out of the room, I take another deep breath trying to calm down from what just almost happened. My heart was racing and my body was on fire. It's the first time somebody has that effect on me and I have no idea how to handle it. But whatever he is doing, it's definitely working on me.

I put my things in the closet and I leave the room. When I finally found my way to the kitchen the voices that were coming out of there made me stop. It seems like the boys are arguing. "What?" Dean yells and by the tone you can tell that he is pissed "Dean--" "You could have told me from the beginning" he yells interrupting Sam "And what difference would it make? We are going to help her" Sam says "Why?" "Because I've been in her place. Dean, she was going to kill herself if I said that I can't help her. And because I can help her, I will. So I don't care about what you think. I'm going to help her because I've been in her shoes. I know how it is to feel like you're a monster and I bet that you do too" Sam yells but Dean stays silent.

"When I was drinking demon blood you saved me. So now help me save her" Sam says "You deserved to be saved" "And she doesn't? Of course she does Dean. She didn't choose this but she is strong enough to ask for help because she realized what she needed to do" "If she was strong she would have dealed with it on her own and not become one more problem for us. So maybe it was a better solution to pull that trigger and end it for good" Dean says and I felt like I was stabbed right in the hurt "We have bigger problems to deal with and we will be wasting our time with her. She is going to use again and you know it" Dean says "I didn't use again so she won't either" "How can you be so sure?" "Because I've been out there with her when Azazel caught us. I was the one who helped her escape that place--" "And then you died. So right now we should be focusing on finding a way to track and kill Chuck" "And we will but in the meantime--" "What? We should babysit one more antichrist? Sorry but I'll pass" Dean says and then I hear footsteps so I run back to my room.

To be honest, that was really painful to hear. I might know him for only a few hours but for some reason I already feel so close to him. But he is right. I'm not strong enough to do it on my own. I'm weak and I'm going to use again. I'm gonna turn into a monster.

A few minutes later there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I say wiping my tears. Sam gets in and closes the door behind him. "So I have a plan in mind" he says and I nod "When I was using Dean locked me in a room for a few days so I get all of it out of my system. But I was thinking that we should take it slow. You'll be free in here and when you're feeling like you can't take it anymore, you will tell me and I'll lock you inside the dungeon then. It's a hard process but there is no other way. Are you ready?" he asks and I nod.

"Ok, great. I'm on your side all the way. Whatever you need, I'm here. Also feel free to walk around, the fridge is full and you better eat at some point and you let me know if you feel something change" he says "I promise. Thank you. I know that you have your own problems but thank you for helping" I say. He smiles and leaves my room. It's really good to know that I have Sam's support but Dean's rejection really hurts.

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