Death's door (Dean X Reader)

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I met the Winchesters about six years ago when they came in the hospital after a bad car crash that almost killed Dean. I was an intern at the hospital back then and still to this day I have no logical explanation for how he recovered so fast. Of course Dean told me what really happened but this whole monsters thing seems strange to me. Even after four years of relationship and a year married to Dean. But I love reading about the supernatural, I even read the books. On the other hand I am pretty sure that if I get myself, accidentally, in a hunting situation, there is no way I'm getting out of it alive. We are living two very different lives but at the end it's just us. No monsters, no patients. Just the two of us.

My phone started ringing interrupting me from my coffee break "Yes?" I ask as I pick it up "Hi honey, how are you doing?" "Hi, I'm good. I'm currently on a break and I have one more surgery, just a small aneurysm to clip, before I can go home. How are you boys doing?" "Good... good" "Ok, what's going on Dean?" "We are going up against Dick Roman" "You what?" "Don't worry, we shouldn't get too involved but I wanted to talk to you just in case--" "You better come back whole" "I'll try. I love you" "I love you too. Be careful, ok?" "I will" "See you later" "Ok, bye" "Bye". Great mood to go into surgery. I get up and I go to get ready.

"Dr Winchester?" I hear the nurse ask "Yes?" "It's been about 10 minutes now that your husband is calling" she says. Something happened for sure. Or else Dean wouldn't call so many times especially now that he knows that I'm in surgery. "I'm almost done" I say "I can close Dr Winchester if you need to leave" Tracy, the resident that I took on the case with me and probably the best one in her year, suggests. "I'm done with the aneurism, you can close" I say and I step back.

"Update me as soon as you're over" I say stepping out of the surgery. I take my phone and I call Dean. "What happened?" I ask as soon as he picked the phone "Bobby was shot and we are on our way to the hospital. We are almost there" "I'll prepare a Trama Room" I say and I run to the emergency.

We take Bobby inside and we start examining him. The part that Dean forgot to mention was that he was shot in the head. But he was still alive. Of course he wouldn't die that easy. We put the monitors on him and start examining him. "Gunshot to the right front lobe area. No exit wound found. Breathing is spontaneously. Blood pressure 90 over 60" the intern reports to me "Push 80 grams of manatol and prepare for intubation. Prep a central line and call teh CT and let them now that we are coming" I order "(Y/N), talk to me" Dean says "Dean, I know that you are worried but I'm gonna ask you to step out and let us work" I say as I continue to examine Bobby "(Y/N)--" "Dean I said get out and I'm gonna come to talk to you as soon as I can" I say and the nurse leads them to the waiting room. "Need a hand Dr Winchester?" Tracy asks "Yes, everything went ok?" "Yes" "Great".

The moment I finally managed to stabilise Bobby, they put him to his room. But the results of the scans are not good. I can't lose him. I can't... He means so much to Dean and Sam. He means so much to me. He is responsible for me knowing how to protect myself because after all nobody can be near the Winchesters without getting hurt. We have spent so much time together back then and he is like a father to the boys. I can't lose this patient.

I take a deep breath and I go to the boys. "How is he?" Dean asks concerned "His brain is swollen. If we can get the swelling down, I may be able to take him to surgery" "Maybe?" he asks "Yes, and even if I take him to surgery, I am not sures if I can get the bullet out because I can't have a clear picture since I go in. But for now we have to wait and see if the swelling goes down" I say.

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