Dad -Part 2 (Dean X Reader)

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Jody comes in the room. I quickly wipe my tears "It's ok. Let it out" she says. I start to cry again "Why is he doing this? Why is he so mean to me? I didn't ask him anything, I didn't force him to do anything. Why is he doing this to me?" I ask between my sobs. Jody hugs me "I don't know" she says rubbing my back softly. "Am I feeling her hands or legs against my stomach or is this my imagination?" Jody asks causing me to chuckle. We pull away "Yes, she hasn't stopped moving since... I guess she is a daddy's girl" I say and one more tear rolled down my cheek. "Don't worry, ok? You got me and Sam. Everything will be fine" she says "I know".

"Anyways, hwo is the house's preparation is going?" she asks "Great, I just paid for the furniture for the nursery that should be shipped in three days. My house is almost ready" I say "You know that you didn't have to spend the money that you're parents left you this way, right? I had no problem with you staying here" "I know but I do. Besides, I'm gonna be just two blocks down" "I know" she says and hugs me again.

2 more months later
I started feeling pain similar to the one that my doctor described as contractions. As soon as I told Jody, we went together to the hospital. My waters broke in the emergency room and they took me upstairs immediately. I got an epidural and we were waiting for the little lady to make her way down. I was still at 3 cm. "Sam is on his way" Jody says and I nod.

Jody went to bring Sam to my room. He walks slowly to me and he sits next to my bed. "I'm sorry, I tried to convince him but he just locked himself inside his room" he says "It's ok". One more contraction hit me. I tried to hide that I was in pain but I wasn't good at it. I groan a bit and Sam takes my hand. I look at him surprised but it didn't last long because I was in so much pain. "You don't have to do this" I say "I do because I have an idiot for a brother" he says. We spent the next hours together. He didn't let go of my hand for a second.

"Ok, we reached 10. Time to push mommy" my doctor says. I look at Sam and he gives me a nod. "1...2...3 push (Y/N)" the doctor says and I do. I squeeze Sam's hand harder and harder at every push. When I finally heard her cry, it was like music to my ears. They cleaned her up and handed her to me "Hi babygirl. It's so nice to finally meet you" I say rubbing her cheek.

When the doctors left us alone. "She's beautiful (Y/N)" Sam says "Thank you" "Oh, Sam?" I call "Yes?" " Can you do me a favour?" "Sure" "Say to Dean that I gave her for adoption. I don't want him to feel that he has left her" "How are you still thinking about him? After what he did to you?" "I still love him Sam. And I forever will. But there is no way I'm giving my little princess away" I say "She is beautiful" Jody says "I know. Want to hold her?" I ask "Sure" she says. I hand her to her "What's her name?" she asks "Samantha Jody" "(Y/N), you don't have to--" "I know, I just want to" I say and she kisses my head.

"I can sign up as her father if you want" Sam says "At least this way she'll have her dad's last name" he continues "Thank you Sam" I say and I hug him. "You better get some rest now" he says "No, I'm fine" I say "I know that you want to hold her right now because you just met her but you really need to get some sleep" Jody says "Do it so you can have energy to take care of her when she needs you" she continues "Fine, but wake me up if she does something cute" I say "Ok" she says and smiles.

3 years later
"Mommy!" I hear from Sam's room. I run there and I find her sitting on the floor "What's up baby?" I ask "I need to pee" "Ok let's go" I say surprised. "Are you ready to go at aunt Jody's tonight?" I ask as she nods. "I'm going to prepare your bag so we can leave, ok?" I ask and she nods again smiling. Oh my God, how can she have the same smile as him? How can she look more and more like him each day?

I pack a few clothes for her and after making sure that she is dressed up warm enough we leave. "You're so cute, you know that?" I say squeezing her cheeks "I love you mommy" "I love you too baby" I say and I kiss her. Walking to Jody's we saw the Impala parked outside and I think that moment my heart has stopped. It's fine. It's just Sam. If it was Dean, Jody would have c--

My ringtone interrupted my thoughts "Yes?" "(Y/N), Dean is here" "Yeah, I kinda noticed. I'll call you later" I say and I hang up. "We are going to go back home and we'll come back tomorrow" I say to Sam "No mommy, I want to go to aunt Jody. I want to get my unicorn" "I know baby but... she just called me and told me that she has to leave for work. We'll get your unicorn tomorrow, ok?" "I'm scared to sleep alone mom" "We are going to sleep together tonight too"  and as I am saying that I see the door to Jody's open but, thank God, only Sam comes out. "No, uncle Sam is there, see?" she says pointing at him "I know baby but--" she didn't let me finish and ran to Sam.

"Uncle Sam!" she screams and he turns around. He came closer to us and picked her up. "I'm sorry Sam" I say to him "It's ok but I'm not here alone" he says "I know. But maybe it's time to finally face him. Please take Sam home and I'll be there as soon as I can" "It's not a good time now (Y/N)" "I need to do this Sam. Please" "Ok" he says. "I'm going to get your unicorn and I'll be back home. Be a good girl to uncle, ok?" I ask her and she nods. I hand him the keys to my house and I knock the door.

"(Y/N), I told you that--" Jody says "I know. Sam took her home" "It's a really bad time (Y/N)" "Why are you keep saying this?" I say as I walk to the living room. There was a brunette woman sitting there. "Hi" she says and gets up from the couch "Hi" I say "I'm Lisa" she says and offers her hand "(Y/N)" I say and we shake hands. "Jody, can we--" "Yeah come in the kitchen" she says and the two of us go to the kitchen. "Sam asked me today to get her to the bathroom to pee for the first time. I didn't have to clean after her" "What? Really?" "Yes. Anyways, I didn't know you had that kind of company" I say to Jody "She isn't my company" she says. "We are back. Seems like there was something stuck to the--" I hear his voice say from behind me.

"Ben, go find your mom" he says "Is everything ok?" Ben asks "Yes, just go and I'll join you later" he says and the boy leaves. "What is she doing here?" Dean asks "It's my house Dean and she is always welcomed" Jody says "I came to visit Jody. I didn't know I needed your permission to do it" I say "You came to visit her? Wow, and I thought you were still living here. I didn't think you will be able to do anything yourself" "Screw you Dean" I say fighting really hard not to so any emotion. "I'm gonna go take Sam's... things and I'll be leaving" I say to Jody and I leave the kitchen.

I go upstairs and I take Sam's forgotten unicorn stuffy. But I went inside the bathroom for a moment. Why is he so mean? Why does he keep hurting me like that? And I can't face him. I just can't. How can I still love him after everything he did?

I wipe my tears and I get out. I run into Lisa. "(Y/N), hi again. Are you ok?" she asks "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just leaving" "Why? I mean you just came" "Trust me, you don't want me here. I wish you the best of luck with Dean" I say "You don't have to. I mean he is already so great. He makes me happy and he is a great father figure to Ben. I hopped I could find someone he could look up to" "I'm sure you really want this" I whisper "What?" she asks "I said that you were really lucky" I say and I leave her.

I go downstairs and I meet Dean. I hide the unicorn in my bag and I tey to avoid him. "No goodbye?" Dean asks "You want a goodbye? Are you that heartless? After everything you want me to be nice to you?" I ask pissed "Were you ever nice to me so I would respect you?" I continue "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything to you" he says "You're unbelievable" I say and I get out of the house.

But he follows me and stops me. "Hey, hey" "Leave me alone Dean" I say but he grabs my arm "Don't touch me" I say escaping from his grib. "First, you don't want our baby, then you start the insults the one after the other and now you bring your new girlfriend here. You're girlfriend that has a child. A child that it's not yours but you are ok with being a father to him. You're ok with being his father but you are not a father to your own child. Your own daughter that you didn't even bother to meet or learn her name" I yell through my tears. "Well maybe she did something better than you to convince me to stay with her" he says and I slap him.

I go back home and I kick big Sam out of the house. I put the little Sam to sleep and I finally break down. I didn't know that's he could break me more. I thought that he finally stopped hurting me...

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