Arrangement (Dean X Reader)

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Today I was getting married to Dean Winchester. Dean and I were meant to be married since probably birth. Our marriage was planned from our parents from a really young age. We were best friends when we were kids but after Mary's death when Dean was 12, John took the boys and left the community. I never saw him or Sam again. Since then I've heard all these terrible stories of all those disaster that the Winchesters had caused and I was terrified. In our community everyone is a hunter but not like that. Most of the time, they focus on their research. My job as a woman is to take care of my husband especially after every hunt. And those last days my father was pretty upset with me, so he called Dean to come and claim me. His actual words were "I'd rather give you to him than have you here one more day" and he did.

"Now I pronounce you husband and wife. You mah kiss the bride" the pastor says. Dean leans to me and pecks my lips quickly and softly. Then we went to the back with the pastor and the witnesses to sign the papers. This is what I'm supposed to do right? Get married and then honour my husband. But what if he doesn't like me? Many of my friends said to me that their husbands don't like them and that marriage is a really hard thing.

My turn came to sign. I take the pen in my hand and I try to keep my hand steady. But I couldn't. So I signed with a quick move and I let the pen down. "Congratulations" the pastor says and shakes Dean's hand. Then he shakes my hand and leans to my ear "Don't forget what you were taught. You belong to him now. Your body belongs to him" he whispers. "Yes" I say trying to block the tears that were threating to fall.

Dean takes my hand and leads me to his car. "Your parents have already put your things in the back and I'm ready to go if you are too" he says. "Of course" I say and I get in the car. Dean gets in the car too and starts to drive away. "We are headed to the bunker now, Sam is already there waiting for us but if you don't want company we can go to a motel" he suggests "No, I'm fine with it" I say and he nods looking back at the road "We have a few hours on the road because Kansas is not next door. If you feel tired, don't hesitate to close your eyes and take some rest" he says and I nod. I haven't ever gotten out of state, I actually never left the city.

But on the community, despite all the hunting fails they had, it was also known that Dean Winchester isn't really a guy of commitment. And of course I wouldn't be able to give him the thing he wants so maybe he would stay with me. I could already feel his rejection. There is no way that this marriage will last or that it will be a successful one. But I had to take it. This is my life now.

"Dean?" I whisper hesitating "Tell me" he says "If and I say if this doesn't work out, what are you going to do?" I ask but I speak again before he could answer "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked" I say "No, you should ask. And if this doesn't work out, we'll see. But I want to be optimistic" he says and smiles at me. God, this smile is breathtaking.

"Are you ok?" he asks "Yes, I'm fine" I say and I smile. "Look, I know that back there you were taught to be a wife-slave. But I don't expect that from you. I don't want you to be my slave. I would never do anything to hurt you. I promise (Y/N)" he says and I nod.

While I was getting out of the car, he took my things and opened the door to his house for me. I walk inside and the first thing I see is the huge library "Welcome to the Men of Letters bunker, let me show you to your room" he says and I follow him "There are many hallways but in a few days you'll get used to them" he says and I nod.

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