After life - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)

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He is working with a demon? Again? And he let him possess Jack's dead body? And not just any demon, Belphegor. I can't believe them! Belphegor isn't helping them, he wants something I'm sure of that.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Dean yell and I turn around "What are you doing in here?" I ask "I came to find you" "It's too dangerous for you to be in here" "I don't care. We are gonna get you out of here ok?" "How are you going to do that Dean?" "I'm gonna get you in heaven at least" "Aw, this can't happen" Belphegor says "Why? We did that before" Dean says "Yeah, that's because God allowed it. Now that he is gone the rules are that a soul that went in hell can't get upstairs" he says.

"No--" "It's fine Dean" "No, I'm not letting you go in hell again. I'm gonna takk with Rowena and I'll come back. Same place that we met in six hours, ok?" he asks and I nod "In the meantime I'm gonna try and figure out what they are planning" "Be careful" he says and I nod.

"I'm here" I say appearing in the room with them. Francis looks at me and smiles "And who are you?" he asks "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" I say "Oh..." he says and chuckles "It's nice to finally meet you miss (Y/L/N), or should I say Mrs Winchester?" he asks and chuckles "Excuse me?" I ask pretending to not understand what he is talking about "Come on (Y/N), you know how quickly the rumours travel in hell, don't you? And all about they talk is the Winchesters. Sam and Dean, your lover, right?" he asks.

"Oh you actually thought that--" I start to say but I stop and l laugh "You really thought that I was in love with Dean? Wow. Why would I be in love with him? He is nothing more than problems and daddy and mommy issues. He is a mess. I just had some fun and then I decided to stay because he was skilled. I mean the sex was great and he could protect me so why not stay? So I trick him but I didn't know that I tricked you too. Wow, am I that good of an actress?" I ask laughing. "No, you're not" he says and tackles me to the floor. He puts his hand in my stomach exactly where Lucifer stabbed me.

I scream from the pain and he smiles. "See (Y/N), all the demons talk about is the Winchesters and you and also how they enjoy to see you watch Dean die over and over again. So let me tell you that you won't trick me" he says and pushes his hand in my stomach again. "So when the wall falls, because it will fall sooner than you think, they are all dead. And I'm gonna make you watch. Get ready to break it fellows" he says but I manage to get away and disappear from them.

I appear in the part of the wall that I met Dean but he isn't there. "Come on Dean" I whisper to myself. A few minutes later he, Sam, Belphegor, Rowena and Ketch came. "They are gonna try to break the wall all together from here probably, it's its weakest part" I say "Ok, go to the crypt in the cemetery and stay in there until we come. Rowena is gonna suck as many as she can in this magic rock but we have one more plan that is probably gonna take all of them down" Dean says and I nod. "And also she maybe has a spell to bring you back" he continues "She can do that?" "Yes, now go and we'll meet you in the crypt" he says and I get ready to leave.

"Not so fast Mrs Winchester" Francis says and knocks me on the floor. Dean shoots him and he disappears "Go" he yells at me and I transport to the cemetery.

It turns out that Rowena's plan didn't work and now we have a plan B. Dean and I went to the rift, Cas and Belphegor in hell and Rowena and Sam performed the spell. I was sitting against a gravestone waiting for the signal. I was holding a rock that Rowena gave me so I don't get sucked back in hell too. Dean was sitting across from me and was looking at me. "I know that it's hard to talk about it or even remember about it" he says and I nod. "I remember everything that happened to me in the pit. There is no forgetting or getting it better, I know that" he continues.

"The things that I say... that I experienced down there... there are no words that can describe them. I saw you die so many times that I stopped counting after the 115th time and everytime it was different and more painful. But that wasn't the worse part of it. The last fifty years with Belphegor were. So now you understand why I got pissed when you told me that he is wearing Jack's dead body. The things he did..." I say and I wipe a tear that escaped my eye. "They are things that I did too (Y/N). He said it himself that he learnt them from me" he says.

A loud sound interrupted our moment and ghosts started going back in hell. The bomb that Dean was holding lit up which was the signal. He throws it in the rift and it explodes. The rift started to close but the ghosts stopped being sucked back into hell. Cas comes back "What's happening?" I ask "Belphegor was lying" he says "I knew it" I say.

Sam runs to us "Rowena ia thinking of doing another spell and she told me to let you know because... I'm sorry (Y/N)" he says "Why are you sorry?" Dean asks "Let me guess. This isn't gonna protect me" I say holding up the rock. Sam nods "No, she can't go back" Dean says "It's fine Dean" I say "No, it's not fine. I'm not gonna let you go back in hell" he says "Yes, you are. It's saving me or letting billions of pissed souls out get out in the world. Go and tell Rowena to do it" I say and Sam nods. He runs back to the crypt.

"I thought you didn't want to get in there ever again" Dean says "Of course I don't want to go down there again Dean but think about it. Stop trying to save me and see it for what it really is. It's one soul against billions" I say and he tears up. "I love you so much (Y/N)" he says and then we see Rowena gets out of the crypt holding her bleeding stomach. "I love you too" I say trying not to cry. Dean opens his mouth to talk but I get sucked in Rowena.

I wake up in a room but nothing like the torture ones. "Good morning darling" Rowena says "Rowena? Where am I?" I ask "My throne" "Your throne?" "Oh yes. It took me quite some time but I'm the new ruler of hell" she says "Congratulations" I say. "Thank you dear. Now I have an offer for you" she says "I'm listening" I say "See, this is the best thing that happened to me and I wished Sam had killed me sooner. So I was thinking of turning you into a demon but leaving your soul whole. You are going to be you in your body just upgraded" "You can do that?" I ask surprised "Of course I can" "Then do it. Anything to get out of this torture. No offense" "Non taken. Enjoy it dear" she says and snaps her fingers.

I appear in the bunker but the boys weren't home. I immediately run to my old room and I look myself in the mirror. I flash my eyes black and then back to normal. But other than that I felt like the old me. I hear the bunker's door open and I run there. I come face to face with Dean and Sam. The both freeze in place "Hi guys" I say and I smile "How?" Sam whispers "It's a gift from the new queen of hell" I say. Dean was just standing there looking at me head to toe. "Queen of hell?" Sam asks "Rowena" I say.

"Is that really you (Y/N)?" Dean asks "It's me with only one small difference" I say "Which is?" Sam asks "Rowena couldn't bring me back like I was so she tried the second best thing. She let me keep my whole soul and old body but I have a small update" I say and I turn my eyes black. "You're a demon?" Dean asks with watery eyes "Kind of. But it's still me" I say.

"That's enough for me" Dean says and hugs me. I finally hug him and touch him. "I missed you so much. I wanted to touch you, smell you and kiss you so bad back there" he says "Me too" I say and he kisses me.

We pull away and Sam hugs me. "Welcome back" he says rubbing my back "Trust me it's really good to be back" I say and we pull away. "I'm gonna go for a walk and let you guys..." he says and leaves again.

"I love you so much" I say and I hug Dean "I missed you so much" I continue "Me too" he says and kisses me. He takes my ring out of his necklace "This is yours" he says "Oh yes" I say. He slids the ring in my finger and I kiss him again. "Do you mind these because I haven't figured out how to be a demon yet so they maybe chage without me noticing" I say showing him my black eyes "It might take some time for me to get used to it but I don't mind at all. I'm just glad that you are here" he says and kisses me.

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