Something odd - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)

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"This whole case... This whole scenario seems weird" I say standing in front of the basement that her body was found. "Oh sweetheart, I live in weird. Don't worry, everything is gonna be fine eventually" he says and kisses my head before walking out of the room. Ok, are we doing couple things now? But the light was off when her dad found her. So I turn off the light and I look on the floor. There was no window so the room was extremely dark. There is no way he had seen the body before turning on the light.

I leave the room and I go to the playroom were they believe that the killer came in from. The playroom had a lot of toys and movie posters on the walls. I look at the window that the killer probably entered and exited the house or that's what we believe. I walk closer and I notice something in the corner of the small window. There was a spiderweb on the left corner. It seemed pretty old because it was a thick one which means that it was on there before the incidence. But the window was too small for a person, no matter how much small the they were, to get in and out without messing it. This means that the killer didn't came from outside.

"Dean!" I shout and he comes quickly "There is no way the killer came in from here" I say pointing at the spiderweb. "That means that the killer was already inside because every other door and window was locked" "Yes and the sheriff said that Mr Smith shouted she's here before turning on the lights but there is no way you can see in that dark room" I say and he looks sceptical "Only if he knew that she was in there" he says "Exactly" I say.

"So what? Dad turns in a werewolf, kills his daughter and tries to cover it? Make it seem like a homicide?" he asks "But he didn't do it alone, his wife helped him cover it. She is probably the one that wrote the staged note. The profile matches. Journalist, which means high writing ability and good usage of the English language and also female" I say "And not only that, remember that I said that the letter reminded me of something? These were lines from 90's movies. The playroom is full of movie posters" he says and I nod.

I received an email from Sheriff Mills. It was the videos from the family's statements. "I just got the videos of the brother's statements. I'm gonna start with the brother's" I say putting on the video.

"Where were you when your sister went missing?" the lady asks him "In bed. I was asleep. I sleep deeply so I didn't hear a thing" he says. I pause the video "He didn't need to point that out but the fact that he did, seems like he is trying to convince someone" I say "You might be right" Dean says and I continue the video. "Ok, what do you think happened to your sister?" she asks him "I know what happened" "Then tell me" she says nicely "I asked my dad where did they find the body and he said that he found it downstairs" he says. "Hm... And how do you think she was killed?" "I think that someone took her very quietly to the basement and the he took a knife or something else sharp and cut her like that..." he says and shows the motion to her. "That's physical demonstration and a really close one to what really happened. And on top of it there is no normal reaction to this happening to his sister" I say "That means that he probably knows and saw what really happened. And then daddy dearest told him to not say anything" he says "Yeap" "Ok, then. Let's end this" he says and takes his gun out.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I ask "The only way he stops is by a silver bullet to the heart" he says "Ok, easy cowboy. He is probably still in the police station so I'm assuming that you don't want to shoot him there. But for now I have scheduled a talk with one of the family's friends" "Great, let's go" he says and leaves the house. Shoot first, ask questions later isn't always working Deanno.

"Can you talk to us about the Smiths?" I ask her "They were the perfect family to everyone. They were really good hosts and you felt really welcomed when you'd walk through the door" she says "Did you notice any change on their lives in general lately?" I ask "When she was born, her brother was getting jealous of the attention she was getting. He had hit her" she says "When was that?" Dean asks "Almost a year ago, he had hit her with a golf club on her face. I don't know if it was intended or an accident".

We leave her house and walk back to our cars. It was already dark outside and kinda cold so I fold my arms trying to warm myself up a bit. "So the brother hit her with a golf club in the face. It could be an accident" I say "Does it sound to you like an accident?" Dean asks me "At this point, I don't even know" I say. "Ok, until you decide, I would be done with the dad" he says and starts to walk to his car "Maybe you shouldn't rush to conclusions" I say but he ignores me and gets in his car.

I get in my car too and I drive to the station. "Good morning Sheriff" I say as I walk in her office "Good morning. How is the case going?" she asks "Still complicated. Dean thinks that he has it under control but something is not right yet" I say "Oh, and he told me about the real reason he is here" I continue. "I'm sorry I lied but--" "It's fine for now. Anyways, are there any other news?" "Did you see the interviews?" "Only the brother's" "I got the rest of them here if you'd like to see them" "Yes" I say and I walk behind her desk.

"We would do anything for our children. I would have nothing to live for if I lose my son too" the mother says at some point of the interview. I pause it for a moment to think. "It was pretty hard to convince them to come for an interview in the first place" Sheriff says "The problem is the lack of the family getting involved with the investigation. I mean when someone close to you dies you do everything you can to get the case resolved. But that's not what we have here" she continues. And then it hit me "No, we do" I say "What?" she asks "We do. We do see it but with her brother. They did everything they can to protect this child. It was all staged. We see it in the letter, it was a sells job, and we see it in the mother's statement. Every step along we see it. And this is a pretty strong motive for a cover up" I say as I take my phone out. I call Dean but he doesn't pick up his phone.

"Where is the family living these days?" I ask "In a hotel two miles from here. Follow me" she says and we both run to or cars. We drove as fast as possible to the hotel and then run to the room. Dean was ready pick the lock of their room. I rush to him "Dean, it's not the father. It's the son" I say "Are you sure?" he asks "I'm 100% sure this time" I say and he nods. He looks at Jody and she nods too.

"You get out of here, I'm gonna take care of this" he whispers in my ear. But I don't know if I want him to kill this 13-year-old boy. It's not right. "(Y/N), I need to do this. There is no other way" he says and I nod. He kisses my forehead "Wait for me outside" he says and I nod before I leave.

I sat against the hood of his beautiful car and waited for him. "I got you some coffee" Sheriff says as she walks to me "Thanks" I say and I take a sip. "This is the right thing. It was hard for me too in the beginning" she says and I nod.

"I'm just trying to think of what to write in my report" I say "A good looking supposedly dead criminal stole my case and killed the 13-year-old werewolf that was his sister's killer. How does it sound?" I ask and she chuckles.

We see Dean come out of the hotel "I tested the son and you were right. They were all asleep so I did it as quiet as possible" Dean says as he walks to us "And I need to go back home because Claire is back after a whole week of being on a case when she wasn't even supposed to be there" she says and Dean chuckles "Ok, ok" Dean says as he hugs her for goodbye "It was nice meeting you (Y/N)" she says to me "It was nice meeting you too" I say.

She takes a couple of steps but stops and turns back. She looks at Dean "She's beautiful and smart. A duo that you don't always pick so she's definitely not for just a fling. You better keep her around" she says to him "Ok, you were leaving" he says and accompanies her to her car.

He comes back and sits next to me against the car. "Sorry for that" he says "It's ok. It was cute" I say and he chuckles.

"You know, at the end, this was about two parents that deeply cared for the daughter they lost and wanted to protect the child that they had remaining" I say "I know" he says and wraps his arm around me. I lay my head on his shoulder and I take a deep breath.

"Ok, this is gonna sound weird but I'm confused, what are we doing?" I ask "Honestly? I don't know either. But I would like to try" he says. I smile and I look at him "Me too" I say and he smiles too. He leans forward and kisses my lips. "An FBI agent having a criminal dead boyfriend, sounds like it came out of a movie" I say and he chuckles "Yes, it does" he says and kisses me again.

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