On your side - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)

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I stayed in my room for about an hour and then I decided to walk around the bunker. But as I entered the big library, I saw Dean who was sitting on the map table. He was looking at his laptop and had a bottle of beer next to him. I froze for a second but I kept walking. "Wait" he says and I stop "Sit down" he says and I do. "Look, Sammy wants to help you but if you try something, if you turn dark side on us, I have a bullet with your name on it" he says and I hear him pull the hammer of the gun under the table. *watch the gif*

"I know" I say and I get up "But maybe I'll surprise you and pull that trigger first aiming at my head. Bet it'll be easier for you because this way at least you won't fight with Sam, right?" I say "Or maybe I do it in your sleep" he says "Well, I was actually planning to do it this anyway so be my guest" I say and I leave. But I stop and I turn around. "Also, friendly advice, when you are fighting and the subject of the fight is close, don't yell. You might hurt someone" I say and I turn to leave. "Sorry" he says and takes a sip of his beer "We both know that you are not really sorry" I say and I leave. I go to my room and I stay there for the rest of the day.

The next morning, I started feeling the lack of denon blood. I was feeling a bit light-headed and nauseous. I get up from my bed and I go for a shower hoping that I would feel a little better. But it didn't do much and I ended up throwing up twice actually. After the shower I headed to the kitchen where I found Sam. "Good morning, how are you feeling?" he asks me "Not good" I say as I sit down. I felt another wave of puke coming up my throat but I was able to hold it back.

"Nauseous?" Sam asks and I nod. I lay my head on the table and I try to focus on my breathing. "Morning" I hear Dean's voice. That's when I felt another wave of puke coming. I get up quickly and I run to the bathroom. Sam comes after me a few seconds later and kneels next to me. He holds my hair back and rubs my back. "Feeling better?" he asks softly "Honestly? No" I say and I throw up again.

"Dean, can you brink her some water?" Sam ask looking at Dean. But Dean was just standing by the doorframe and looking at me worried. "Dean!" Sam yells and Dean snaps out of his thoughts. Dean just nods and leaves. He comes back after a few seconds and kneels next to me. He opens the water bottle and hands it to me. I take a sip "Thank you" I say looking at him. It's actually the first time that the two of us are so close after what happened yesterday in my room. "Your welcome" he says and smiles.

But it didn't last long because I ended up throwing up again. It's only the first day and I'm already tired. This is really hard. "Just shoot me now" I groan. "I... I gotta go check on... something" Dean says and leaves the bathroom.

"I think that I'm done for now" I say. Sam helps me stand up and walk back to the kitchen. He walks to the fridge but I lay my head on the table again. He comes back to me and places a plate in front of me. "I'm not hungry" I say pushing the plate with the sandwich away from me "You need to eat" he says "Why? So I will throw it up in a few minutes?" "(Y/N)..." "I'll eat later, ok?" "Ok" he says and smiles.

"I'll go bring my laptop and I'll be right back" he says and I nod. But of course I had to be left alone with Dean who just came in the kitchen. As much as I enjoy looking at him, it's also a bit painful after that fight. "How are you feeling?" he asks "I've been better. Thanks" I say and he nods. I get up from my seat "Woah, easy" Dean says and rushes to me. But everything the room started spinning and I felt myself lose balance.

Dean's POV
I laid her on the bed and sat with her until she would wake up. I don't know why I'm feeling this way about her. She just makes me think about her all the time. And it's hard for me to see her in pain.

After a couple of hours I noticed that she started to get sweaty. That's when I realized that she is burning up. So I got a small bucket, I filled it with cold water and I grabbed a clean face towel. I go back to her room and I put the cold wet towel on her forehead trying to help her temperature increase.

Your POV
I wake up with a gasp and I sit up immediately. "Hey, hey, calm down. Everything is ok" Dean says helping me lay back down "It was just a nightmare" he says and I nod. I lay back down and he puts a wet towel on my head. "How are you feeling?" "My whole body feels like it's on fire and not in the good way" I say and he nods. "Maybe you were right. I'm not strong enough for this and I'll end up using again or killing myself" "No, don't say that. I know that it's going to be hard but I know that you can do this" "That's not what you said yesterday" I say and a tear escapes my eye.

He wipes my tear and turns my head making me look at him "Forget what I said yesterday. I was angry yesterday because Sam reminded me of a time that was hard for me too" he says and I nod. "I do that, you know. I get angry easily" he says and I chuckle. "You can do this and I'm going to be on your side for all the way" he says taking my hand in his "Thank you" I say relieved "Anytime" he says and smiles.

That's when Sam came in the room. "Welcome back" he says as he walks to me. "I'm not even close to the end of it, am I?" I ask him "No, I'm sorry" he says "It's not your fault. It's mine" I say.

Then another guy comes in the room "Hey Cas" Dean says looking at him "This is (Y/N)" he continues "Sam, you and her..." Cas says "I know" Sam says "Remember when Ruby was giving demon blood to me?" Sam asks Cas "Ruby? The demon you were sexually intimate with" Cas says "Sexually intimate with..." both Dean and I whisper trying to realize if he actually just said that. "Yes" Sam says ignoring us "She has a similar story and she asked for help" Sam says and Cas nods. "I wished I could help but my powers has no effect on it" Cas says "Your powers?" I ask "Oh yeah, Cas is an angel" Dean says.

"Cas, can we talk?" Sam asks and Cas nods. They both leave the room "So an angel?" I ask "Yeah, you know, wings, harp" he says "Cool" I say "Yeah, when he is not doing stupid things" he says and I chuckle. "You better eat something" he says "We have soup and then pie" he continues placing the tray on the bed. "I'm not hungry" I say "I didn't ask" he says helping me sit up against the headboard.

"I need to go to the bathroom first" I say "Ok, let me help you" he says and gets ready to pick me up "I can walk" I say and he nods. He helps me stand up but my legs felt really weak "I can see that. Come on" he says and picks me up. To be honest, being so close to him and focusing on his scent helped me forget about my condition.

"How about you take a cold shower?" he suggests "Ok" I say as he sits me on the toilet seat. I lay my head back and I take a deep breath trying to reduce maybe the pain that the symptoms caused. Dean kneels down in front of me and takes my hand "You got this" he says rubbing the back of my hand. I open my eyes and I look at him.

He smiles and I can't help it but smile too. We just stayed there looking eachother in the eyes. I bit my lip and he immediately notices it. He looks down at my lips and then back at my eyes. His beautiful green eyes starring at me were the best thing that could happen to me right now. He started leaning closer to me slowly. He placed his other hand on my shoulder and started coming up until it reached my cheek. The feeling of his hand traveling from my shoulder to my cheek send chills allover my body. He leans even closer. At this point I could feel his breath against my lips. His thumb rubs my cheek softly.

But that's when the room started spinning. I grab myself by the counter that was next to me and Dean immediately pulls away. "I... Are you ok?"  he asks "Yeah, I just felt a little dizzy" I say and he nods "I'm gonna bring you some clothes, ok?" he asks and I nod.

I look down at my hands and I see that I'm trembling. I close my eyes and I take one more deep breath. But I couldn't stop the trembling and I knew exactly what that trembling meant. I wouldn't be able to hold myself from hurting someone for long. I could feel the need of demon blood become stronger and stronger.

"I thought pajamas would be more comfortable for you right now" Dean says as he enters the bathroom "Forget the shower" "What?" "You have to lock me in the dungeon" "Wait, what?" he asks and I show him my trembling hands "This gonna get out of control soon so get me in the dungeon Dean" I say. "Ok, ok" he says. He picks me up "Sammy!" he shouts. Sam comes running and meets us in the hallway "What happened?" he asks "It's coming" I say and he nods.

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