Death's door -Part 3 (Dean X Reader)

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I quited that same day and I left the hospital that same moment. I couldn't stand to be in there anymore. I immediately started looking for a new job at least two states away from here. He moved on and I have to move on too. I need a new start. Every extra moment I spent in this house, in this town, it hurts me more. Everything here reminds me of Dean.

It was supposed to be one more quiet day but instead it was the exact opposite. A drank driver caused a whole lot of problems. Multiple cars, multiple people were involved in the crash. That means that we have work to do for multiple hours. Back to back surgeries kept me occupied for the next 28 hours. I was literally running from a surgery to another.

After that I was exhausted. But I had to check on one more patient until I could leave. My mystery patient. Everybody was trying to figure out what exactly was happening to this poor little girl but we had no answer. And it was so hard to say to her mother that we have no idea what's wrong with her daughter.

I walked out of the girl's room around 9 am and I was ready to go home. But as I closed the door, I came face to face with a someone I haven't seen in the last 4 years. But I was too tired to bother. So I ignore him and I walk away hoping that he haven't noticed me. Well, he probably doesn't even want to see me so that's good.

I went in my locker to get changed and leave but I got paged for a consult in the room that I've just left from. I take a deep breath, I go to the lounge, I pour coffee in a paper cup and I head to the room.

I take a big sip of coffee and I get in the room. There was Dean and Sam talking to the little girls mother. As soon as I opened the door Dean's sight landed on me. "How can I help you?" I ask but no one talks. Sam waited for Dean to talk but he didn't. "I'm agent Rizer and this my partner agent Bean. We are here--" Sam says but gets interrupted by Dean "Can we talk outside?" he asks me "Sure" I say and we get out of the room.

"Be quick because I should already be home" I say but Dean just stands there and looks at me. He seems like lost or something. "Are you ok?" I ask him "What? Yes... yes, I'm fine" he says "Anyways..." Sam starts saying "...we saw on an article that the mother says that her little girl was attacked by an entity. So we came here to check it out" he continues "Maybe it's a good thing that you are here because I'm trying so hard to figure out what is wrong with her but I can't. You think you can take care of... it" I ask "We will. Just tell us how she is" "When she came in she was already in a coma. The only injury is a handprint of the attacker on her leg. She is in a coma but it's not the typical one. It's something alse that's keeping her under. And her vitals are fading rapidly. I'm worried that I may lose her" I say worried."Ok, we are gonna go check the house right now and we'll probably be back. Don't worry" Sam says and patchs my shoulder "It's good to see you again" he says and walks away.

I turn to leave but Dean stops me "(Y/N) wait--" "No, Dean. I'm just done after an about 30-hour shift which was almost full of back to back surgeries and I'm more than ready to go home and sleep. I don't have time and I'm not in a mood for arguments right now" I say and I leave him.

The next day I went back to work and got informed that the mother came in too. She was in a coma and had the same handprint mark. I call Sam "Hello?" "Sam, it's (Y/N), about an hour ago they brought in the mother. Same symptoms, same mark" "We are on our way" he says and hangs up.

In a few minutes they were both here. "So did you figure out something?" I ask "Not exactly. At first we thought that it was a ghost but seems like it isn't" Dean says "Well, that's great news" I say ironically. I sit on the chair and Dean does too "Don't worry, we are going to figure this out" he says and rubs my back. That moment I wasn't really sure if I wanted him to stop or continue. My pager started beeping because I was being called for a consult in the ER "Just hurry up" I say to them "We will".

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