Because of you (Dean X Reader)

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"Are you really going to make me choose?" I ask pissed "Yes, I am" Dean yells at me. He was making me choose between him and my dad. Our mothers died the same way and our dad's started working together about 5 years ago when they met on a case and realized that they are looking for the same thing, the yellowed demon.

So for the last 5 years we are hunting with the Winchesters. I immediately bonded with Sam and Dean, they became something like my big brothers really quickly. But during the last year something changed. Dean and I have grown closer. We basically got drunk and slept together. Since then Dean and I have sex now and then just to blow some steam off. Of course, nobody else except us knew about it. It was just sex, no feelings... At least for Dean. I fell for him really quickly but I didn't say anything because I was afraid that I was going to lose him completely.

But yesterday a lot of things changed. Our dads got into a bad fight and they broke up. My dad is leaving and John is leaving too. Dean is insisting on me going with him but I don't want to leave my family. "How about you come with me?" I ask "No way" "Why? You can't leave your dad, I get it, but so can't I" "Ok then" he says and starts packing his things.

"So this is it? You've made your choice, you're leaving. All because I won't follow you and your dad?" I ask fighting really hard to keep my tears back "Yes" he says without even looking at me "It's not like we had anything important" he continues. "It was important to me" I say and he finally looks at me "For me this thing between us was something because I love you. So please, don't do this, don't leave me".Tears were falling freely down my face now. I was unable to hold them back. My heart felt like it was about to break in to a thousand pieces. I loved him, I really did. But I knew... Deep, deep down that he didn't love me. But I loved him anyways. I looked at his olive green eyes that stared into mine. No emotion there at all. But I still loved him. "Well sweetheart, I don't" he says and continues packing his things. And with that my heart finally broke.

There was no way I'd walk out of here tonight the same person. He had just destroyed me. "It maybe stings a bit now but you'll move on sweetheart, don't worry" he says and smiles. I say nothing, I just slap him. He doesn't seem shocked or anything which made me even angrier. I grab my duffel bag and pulled it over my shoulders. I couldn't look at him. If I did, I'd break down. I walked out of Dean's life that night when I walked out of the motel room.

15 years later
"Mandy! Get your ass here, I'm leaving" I yell and she comes running to me "I'm ready, let's go" she says and we finally leave the motel. It is an easy salt and burn for today which I'm not mad for because it means more sleep for later.

"(Y/N)? I'm probably gonna go for drinks later, get laid maybe if I find something nice, wanna come?" she asks as I park the car "No, I'm gonna go and crush for a few extra hours" I say and I get out of the car. She comes out too and we meet in the truck "Oh come on (Y/N), it will be fun" "Nah, I'm going to be fine alone" "Fine" she says as I close the truck.

"But if you change your mind--" "I won't" I say interrupting her. "Hey, did you had anyone after that Dean guy?" she asks "Of course I had" "Liar" "I'm not ly--" I start saying but I stop as I see two guys digging the grave that we are supposed to dig. "I guess we are off the case" Mandy says "Yeap" I say.

We are ready to leave but we stop as we see the ghost appear behind the guys and throws them away from the grave. Mandy and I run there and I try to deal with the ghost while she is trying to salt and burn the bones. I shoot it with rock salt bullets again and again but it keeps coming back. The other hunters are probably unconscious. "Mandy... today" I say and I shoot the ghost again. She finally throws the lighter in and the ghost catches on fire.

I let out a breath and I turn to her "You go find the one, I'll go find the other" she says and I nod. We run to them. They were thrown to opposite directions. As I reach the hunter he seems to be coming back. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask as I help him get up. And now I realize how tall he is. "I think I'm good, thanks. I should--" "We finished it" I say and he looks back at me. "(Y/N)? Is that you?" he asks "Yes?" I say hesitating and I put my hand on my gun. "It's me Sam" he says and then it hit me "Oh my God, Sammy" I say and we hug. "I missed you" he says "I missed you too" I say and we pull away "Look at you, I don't remember you being so tall" I say and he chuckles.

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