An X

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Breathe in, breathe out... and repeat. No! I don't have time for fuckin repeating this! Harper Emery is inside the OT and I need to see her, why is she in the OT even though she is an administrator? I don't know and neither do I care. I enter the OT without knocking and once I do, I wish I had knocked.

Dr. Harper Emery stands with surgical tools in her hands. She seems to be greeting them like one greets their old friends. Her face is expressionless but her eyes glisten with the signs of raw and powerful emotion.

I awkwardly clear my throat to grab her attention. She puts the scalpel down and turns to face me. She looks unmoved by my presence. "Yes, Doctor Alexander?"

Gosh! I am intimidated.

"Dr. Emery, I left two files in your office this morning...Er, did you happen to come across them?" I ask hopefully.

"Hmmm... You are lucky that I was free Dr. Alexander. I saw one file about the patient and there is nothing we can do. The Hepatitis is still in its early stages and can be completely uprooted with a few month's medication but the absence of the Medical insurance makes it all impossible" and she looks away from me.

"There is a way Dr. Emery!" I exclaim.

She is still not bothered, she begins picking up the surgical tools and putting them in their holder.

She wants to do the practical stuff...she wants to do surgeries but she is definitely stuck with administration.

Ignoring this fact for now I continue explaining my plan to her.

"The Government is looking for twins to conduct their test of a new treatment. They are looking for 10 fraternal twins of age limit 20 to 25 and Rowan and Willow fill out all the categories... The Government will take over the expense of all their medical bills but they should be nominated by a certified Hospital... Mam, only if Edenbrook does them this favor..."

She finally turns to look directly in my eyes "And what do the twins and their family says of your suicidal plan?" she asks with a raised eyebrow.

"They agreed immediately. Rowan is ready to take any risk for his sister. Please Dr. Emery, we can save Willow. I know that the treatment is risky but they are willing for it and there are 98% chances that it will go well. Their previous experiments on individual humans were successful. I left you an entire file on it but I guess you did not have time to look at that one."

"Yes I did not. You should be thankful that I saw at least one of them" Damn, who does she think she is? It was just two files and she just looked at one! What is she so busy with?

"They are willing Mam. Now it is in your hands. You can save Willow's life. It is just like how you perform a surgery" and her eyes have a sparkle as soon as I say surgery.

Good going Felix!

"You perform a surgery, you save a human's life. Does it not feel amazing? Isn't there a feeling of satisfaction? Think about it. It will be the same feeling here too... Only if you are willing to give it a chance" and I look at her with a desperate expression. She sees that I want to help Willow and Rowan so badly.

She turns around and finishes packing the surgical tools.

Wait for it... Just wait

"I'll sign the permission letter Dr. Alexander but first I'll meet the patient and her family. They'll sign a consent form and do all the other necessary official processes" her reply makes me so excited that I fist bump some invisible caricature in the air.

I want to do the victory dance or something... and Fuck! She is looking at me.

I am a frozen specimen with my mouth opened, a stupid grin spread on my face and my fist in the air.

Open Heart: MC X Sienna Where stories live. Discover now