Goodbye, Dear Doctor

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We wave off Mrs. Martinez as she settles in the taxi and leaves for her new and hopefully a much more adventurous life.
She was under observation from the last two weeks and showed no signs of danger or anything to be worried about. Finally, we let her leave.

"I'll miss her. She helped us find our wards on the first day didn't she?" Elijah sighs.

I pat him on the back supportively "Yeah, I remember. I'll never forget how kind she was"

Just then, my pager beeps. Time to get back to work. With one last look at the departing taxi, I walk back to the entrance of the Hospital.


Ramsey has not shaved in what seems like a 9 or 10 days. I am tempted to pass the suggestion that trimming his beard a little won't do any harm but find it better to remain silent.

Ramsey takes off his reading glasses and finally acknowledges me, his intern sitting across the table from him.

"What?" he grunts.

"What?" I ask.

"Is my face something like a sign board which you can stare at as long as you like?" he asks with a hint of anger in his voice.

"I am just trying to understand you" I reply.

He shakes his head in what seems like disappointment and says "The Doctor whom I reached out to has given me nothing positive to work with..."

"Isn't that something we had predicted already, Sir?"

Ramsey's brow furrows and his fingers fidget uneasily around his glasses.

"He wants to leave" Ethan sighs.

"Shouldn't we listen to him, then?" I offer.

Ethan glares at me "It is a preposterous idea!"

"Think about it Sir. It is the least we can do for him now. To let him go... To let him spend his last days the way that he wants to" I emphasise.

"My job is to cure him, not to listen to whatever nonsense he asks for" replies Ethan.

I nod "You are right in your way, Sir but isn't it inhuman to drag someone's life painfully when there is zero hope left of saving them? Isn't it just an addition to their misery?"

I continue "Sir... It is his wish and I think that we should honour it"

Ethan doesn't meet my eyes. I assume he sees a point in my words.

"I'm afraid I'd take my leave now, Sir. Please think about what I said..." I rise up, bow my head slightly as a gesture of 'goodbye' and then walk out.


"I can eat an entire chicken alone today!" Bryce digs in to his chicken wings and turkey sandwiches at the same time.

"I knew I hated you for a reason..." Jackie sounds disgusted as she gives him a side glance.

Bryce mutters something intelligible while stuffing more chicken in his mouth.

"Why are you eating like an ogre anyways?" Landry inquires.

Before he can say something that only God knows once more, I chime in "Better finish what you have in your mouth first, so that we can leave the guess work out".

Bryce gives me a mischievous wink and does as directed.
"I assisted Dr. Tanaka in a liver surgery today. Oh, how stressful it was!"

"Enough, enough! I don't wanna know anymore. I am feeding myself" Sienna shudders with her eyes closed.

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