¬A Love Note¬

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Hey you guys! So this Fanfic has come to an end but before we go Feral here, lemme tell ya this...

There will be a part 2.

Yes, yes. Ya'll like it or not but you ain't getting rid of me that easily😉

Hopefully, I'll start working on it soon enough (I mean, i gotta get done with my Exams first).

So I'm really thankful to each and everyone of you, for all the love and support you gave me and my story. Please do continue that in the future. Keep sharing the story, so that your friends can also hopefully enjoy it.

You can send me a message literally anytime! I always try to reply ASAP!! Your opinions and views always matter.

A little about Book 2:
For now, I can tell that the format will be the same. It will pick up from where this book leaves things.
I will be using the original Choices book by Pixelberry as my reference for an outline of the story but much (or even more😉😏) like this book, the second part will also have tracks and sub-plots of its own.

There is so much work left to do and so many things left undone in this book, deliberately.
A lot will occurr but all in good time.

Till then, take care and be safe! Oh yeah it'd be great if you read this book again. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it, lol😅

See you all after a break...

Open Heart: MC X Sienna Where stories live. Discover now