Chapter1: Say Yes Already

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It's been a week since I have bought 2 Bring Me The Horizon concert tickets for their show, which was in 3 weeks from now and I still hadn't convinced Cora to come with me.

She was my best friend and I didn't want to go to my first concert without her, Even though she doesn't even like the band and besides I can't go by myself.

Today was the day that I would convince her to go with me, I knew it. I had a lucky feeling about it since the moment I had woken up. I quickly got out of bed and rushed downstairs.

I was just putting on my shoes when I had noticed that I forgot to change out of my PJs. I ran back upstairs and slipped on some black leggings and a BMTH t-shirt. I slipped my shoes on once again and headed out the door to Cora's house.

When I got in my car I immediately turned on BMTH's CD "There is a hell believe me I've seen it. There is a heaven let's keep it a secret." and started listening to "Blessed with a curse." As you can probably already tell, I have a wee bit of an obsession with BMTH.

I finally got to Cora's house and parked my car in her driveway. I was so full of excitement that I had forgotten that she isn't an early bird unlike me most days. It was currently 6:37 AM, I've been awake since 5. I never usually get up that early but I couldn't sleep. All I could was think about getting Cora to go to the concert with me.

I decided to go grab some food at MacDonalds because I was starving and it would give Cora some more time to rest before I would have to wake her up. I was now stuck in traffic at 6:45 AM. UGH. Really? How are this many people awake so early?

It's been 10 minutes later and I finally got out of that horror. I have road rage so I HATE traffic, escpecially when I'm hungry and trying to get food. "MacDonalds, here I am!" I yelled in my head as I pulled up to the drive-thru. "Welcome to MacDonalds, How may I help you?" the lady said through a little speaker outside. "Can I get 4 chicken wraps, 2 large fries, and a bottle of water, please?" I said back at her into the little speaker.

I parked into a parking space outside of MacDonalds and ate one of my chicken wraps. When I was done eating one I drove out of the parking lot and headed back to Cora's house to bribe her with fast-food. There is no way she can say no if I bring her food!

*A/N* First FF I ever made and also first thing I have ever posted on this. I'm a bit of a noob at this but I'm getting better. I know I'm not a great writer but I have been really wanting to write my own FF for a while now. I don't know how often I'll be able to update but I'll try to update every few days to a week. I hope you guys like this? :)<3

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