Prologue - Part One

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Y/N - Your Name
F/N - Father
M/N - Mother
L/N - Last Name
F/C - Favorite Color
H/C - Hair Color
H/L - Hair Length

Age - 4

Y/N P.O.V.

You don't know what is Happening. A second ago you had a Fun day with your Parents, the Next your Father is Fighting against an Assassin that's after you.

???: "I finally Found you..."

F/N: "So you're that Famous Assassin... What's your business with me?"

??? "Ohhh, No No No, No My Business is not with you, it's with Him" *Points at you*

Y/N: "Huh?"

M/N: "Hell'd freeze over before I let you touch him!"

F/N: "He's just a Kid! Why!?"

???: "Because he has Pontential... Potential that my Client wants... Gone"

F/N: "Client?... No..."

???: "Yes... Her"

*Whispering* M/N: "Salem"

While this all played out, you took a long look at the Assasin. His Hair was a Greyish tone, he had Black eyes and a Chin-Beard. His outfit looked like a Blue Military Uniform, except his Jacket was open.

Suddenly your Father Yelled



F/N: "Please... Go..."

Your Father looked at you with a Saddened expression

???: "You think I'll let him escape?"

F/N: "No, but you won't live to follow them"

???: "It's Nothing-"

F/N "Personal"

Your Mother took your Hand and ran as Fast as she could, not looking back.

Y/N: "Mom?"

M/N: "..."

She didn't answer. You knew why. She was Crying. You took it up and started running Faster, trying not to think about your Father

Timeskip - 2 Days

You were sitting at a Campfire along your Mother, she made it using her Semblance: Blue Dragon Flames. She Told you that you were going to visit some Friends and would be staying there, but you knew the truth. You were Hiding. Hiding from an Assassin that is after you and you alone. Your Father is gone, because of you.

M/N: "It won't be long now, go sleep a bit"

Your Mother Changed, she wasn't as Outgoing as before. Her Tomboyish demeanor changed to that of a Caring Mother. Only set to protect her Son.

Y/N: "Okay..."

As you were told, you went to sleep, as your Mother keeped watch

No one's P.O.V.

M/N was sitting on a Tree Branch Quietly talking to herself.

M/N: "The famous Assassin, Mira... Why does Salem want him Gone... Just what is your Semblance?"

She gave Y/N a kiss on the Forehead.

Unbeknownst to her, a Figure was watching them, quietly Smiling.

Timeskip - Morning

Y/N was just waking up, the sound of his Mothers packing could be heard throughout the Camp.

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