Taken away Chapter 17

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" Aura! Get out of here. What are you doing here?! " A very ticked Tony asks. 

I feel the color drain from my face. Oh no. No no no no no! They aren't going to let me see him after this! Shoot! I swear the hall was empty. Unless someone saw me and ran back to snitch. 

" Aura. Get up. " Uncle Thor says sadly as he looks at Loki guiltily. 

" No. " I say loudly. They aren't going to push me around. 

" Aura. " Natasha warns. Everyone but Steve, Bruce, and all the kids are here. 

" Stop it. " I glare. " I'm not going anywhere. You go. " 

" Aura! I knew something was off. You were yelling, being very rude, and acting very strange. I see why now. You're hanging out with a bad influence! " Tony says gesturing to my dad. 

" Shut it you mid-guardian. " My dad growls standing up. " Look at who you are talking to! I am a god! Do you know what I can do-" 

" You're in a glass cage. You can't do anything. " Tony shoots. 

" My dad is not a bad influence. He's been doing nothing but being a dad. " I glare. 

" Aura. Come on. Let us go. " Uncle Thor says trying to get me to leave. 

" Stop. No. I'm not leaving. " I stand my ground. 

" Aura, this man is a criminal! If something had gone wrong, he could have hurt you. " Clint says softly. 

I roll my eyes. " Great. Here we go again. " 

Everyone looks confused so I continue. 

" You're all going to try to turn me on my dad. Maybe not you Uncle Thor, but everyone else. Then you're going to offer me ice cream to get me to do what you want me to do. Well, news flash! I'm not four years old. " I stand up. " Try and try all you want. I'm not listening to you. " 

" Aura. You can't be in here. It's a safety pre-" I cut Natasha off. 

" Dude, do you really think my dad's going to hurt me? " I ask a little hurt for my dad. " He hasn't done anything to me. He wouldn't do anything to me!!! " 

" Aura, calm down. " Tony says looking up at something. 

I glance up. A guard has something pointed at us. " Oh great. " I chuckle humorlessly. " So, you guys are supposed to be some big bad, hero's, but you need to call in back up for a little girl? Wow. " I smirk. " I guess you aren't as good of a hero as you thought you were. " 

" Just grab her! " Tony says angrily. " We can't have her in here! " 

" No! Don't touch me! " I say putting a hand up, between me and Clint. Uncle Thor looks at me guiltily. Oh, do something about it if you feel bad. 

" Grab her. " Tony orders. 

Clint sighs and pins my arms to my side as he picks me up in one quick motion. " Sorry. " He mutters. 

" Don't touch my daughter! Get your hands off her! " My dad yells as he bangs his fists against the glass, trying to break out. " Let her go, Barton!! " He roars. 

" Let. Me. Go! " I scream as I hit his back. 

" Take her to her room. Lock her in. " Tony says softly. 

" Let me go!!!! " I yell loudly. " Daddy! " I try to getaway. " Let me go! I want my daddy! " I try to kick Clint, but he holds onto my legs. " Stop! Let me down! Daddy! Daddy! " 

Clint carries me past a bunch of worried-looking agents. The noise attracted a lot of people. I don't even care about how bad I look. I burst out crying as I continue to hit his back. We walk past the living room, where all the kids and the other two adults are. 

I wipe a tear away angrily as Steve and Bruce look up in alarm. The other Avengers walk in as Clint struggles to hold me still so I don't hurt him. " Let me go! " I kick harder. My messy black hair falls in my emerald eyes. " I hate you. " Everyone freezes. " I hate you all! I hate you! " I keep shouting I hate you to all of them over and over. " I want my dad! " I sob. 

Clint drops me off in my room, and I kick the door he locks. I let out an ear-piercing scream before I end up messing up everything in the room. 

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