Forgiveness Chapter 46

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I straighten my hair and stand up. I've spent almost an hour in here crying. Everyone who was in the room left. I guess it was too painful to see me cry. Or they were bored. 

Uncle Thor has stayed with me though. I straighten my shirt and feel something in my pocket. Curious, I pull out something hard. A ring. 

My dad's ring. A green snake is on the black ring. The snake is made of green emeralds and it shines in the light. I smile a little. He slipped it in my pocket. 

I put it on. It's a little big so I'll have to wear it on a chain. I put it back in my pocket so I don't lose it. It's the only thing I have left of him. Uncle Thor puts his hand on my shoulder and leads me out. " I need to use the restroom. " I nod my head towards the bathroom. 

He smiles sadly and nods. " I'll wait out here. " 

I walk to the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. My eyes are red a puffy. I look terrible. My hair's a mess. I take my hair out of the messy ponytail it's in and put it in a bun. I wash my face and close my eyes as I lean on the counter. I take a few deep breaths and look at my reflection in the mirror again. I look a little better. 

I walk out of the bathroom and smile tiredly at Uncle Thor. He smiles at me. " Hey, kiddo. Are you ready? " 

I nod and walk next to him. We walk out to the living room in the housing area where everyone is. They all look up at me as we enter. 

" Hey, sweetie. " Natasha says smiling sadly at me. " How are you? " 

I shrug. " Okay. " Everyone looks at each other a little shocked at no sarcastic remarks coming out of my mouth. " I want to thank you all, " They all look at me, waiting for me to say something rude. " for convincing Fury to let me see my dad for a little while. I really appreciate it. You don't know how much that meant to me. I am sorry for how I have been acting previously. I stepped out of line and I am asking for your forgiveness. Please accept my sincerest apologies. " 

There's silence for a moment. " Of course we forgive you. We never held it against you. You were having a very tough time. " Natasha says smiling.

" Thanks. " I nod. 

" Well, " Steve gets up. " you children have to get to bed. Let's go home. " 

But it isn't really home for me. It's a place I've been staying at or seven years. 

I follow everyone to the car and sit with my back to everyone as we drive back to the tower. 

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