Pet Shop Chapter 49

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I pull at Uncle Thor's hand as we walk along Maine Street. It was my idea. " Ooh! Look at that. " I point to a pretty poster. " Your face is on it. Gosh, you are so famous. All the kids in my classes talk about is how cute you guys are especially the girls. They always dress up just in case they see you. I bet if their building was burning down and you guys showed up or something, they'd take their time dressing fancy for you and curling their hair. Gosh. " I sigh. 

" Oh. " My uncle says eyeing me. " Are you feeling alright Aura? " 

" Ptff. " I nod. " Yeah. Of course, I am. I feel better than ever. Now, let's go to the pet shop! Puppies are so freaking cute! " I squeal happily as I drag the whole team and the kids towards the pet shop. 

I wave and smile at everyone. " Hi! Hi! Hi! " I say hi to everyone I pass by. " Ooh! Your hair is so pretty. " I say looking at a girl with light blue's hair. " I just love it. Where did you get it done? " 

The girl smiles. " Thanks! My aunt actually runs a hair shop downtown. Mystic Hair. Have you ever heard of it? " 

I nod. " Uh yes! Who hasn't? That place is famous for the awesome hair colors and styles. Gosh. I need to go their sometimes. " 

The girl smiles and we talk for a little while my uncle and the others look at me with their jaws dropped. " Well, I've got to go. I was only supposed to by some dog food. " The girl chuckles. " It was nice meeting you Aura. " 

" You too! Take care. " I wave at her as she leaves. I turn around to my uncle. " What? " I ask confused at why they're looking at me like that. " Are you upset because I didn't compliment your hair? Fine. I like the blondness of your hair Uncle Thor. It makes you look good. " I nod. 

He blinks obviously at a loss of words. " What? Why? Um. " 

I sigh and look over at the puppies. " Puppies! " I play with them for a little while I chat with some younger kids who are also playing with them. 

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