Hugs Chapter 38

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We hug each other for what seems like forever, crying and smiling happily. " How are you? Have they been treating you okay? Do they hurt you? " My dad asks looking at me and checking my arms for bruises or anything. 

" No. " I shake my head. " I'm the one who yells at them. " I smirk a bit. 

Dad chuckles. " That's my girl. " He smiles and kisses the top of my head. " Oh goodness. You have grown so so much. " 

" I only saw you a month ago. I don't think I've grown a lot. " I smile. 

" From the last time I hugged you. You were tiny. " He puts his hand to his knee. " Only this tall. " 

" I missed you. " I say feeling the tears again. " I missed you so so much. " I hug him tightly. 

" I missed you to Aura. " My dad mumbles as he hugs me back. " These past few years have been horrible without you. " 

I sniffle and take a breath. I inhale my dad's familiar scent. His dark clothes make me smile. He's really here. My dad is really here. And I'm hugging him. 

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