| Chapter XII | revenge and bats

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When Reine woke up it was already night

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When Reine woke up it was already night.

"Oh my god, I have to make a plan to kill Galavan!"

"Don't worry, I got you covered Reine. Just come with me."

"Well, then I guess that worked itself out nicely."

Cat explained to Reine what was going on and what the plan was. They went to some apartment, getting in through the window. They were a few people there, Jim Gordon, the butler, the Penguin, at least that's who Reine guess he was, and more guys she had no idea who they were. But they had guns so it didn't matter to her.

"Seriously that's it? You have no plan? How are you even going to get into the building?", a man Reine did not know and didn't have a gun said.

"We know a way?", Cat and Reine said simultaneously.

Everyone turned to look at them.

"Who are they?", the man with no gun asked.

"Fox, that's Cat. Cat, Fox. And I don't know who this other chick is.", a man with a hat and gun said.

"This chick has a name. I'm Reine."

"You know a way in?", Jim Gordon asked.

"Yeah, we know a way in, Gordon."


"How do we know you won't stitch us up? I mean you switch sides often enough. How do we know that you're not working with Galavan now?"

"How do we know you're not a Martian in a rubber suit?", they spoke simultaneously again.

"I trust them. You're in Cat, Reine. Thanks for your help. Grab a vest, let's go."

"People, surely we should have a backup strategy. Given the strong possibilities of failure."

"Au contraire, Mr. Fox. Failure is not an option."

"What he said.", Jim told Fox when he looked at him.

"I like that guy. He's the Penguin right?", Reine asked Selina.


They headed to save Bruce Wayne from Galavan and the cult. Cat and Reine sneaked in and knocked the two of the guards then opened the door to let the others in.

"Come on in."

Everyone raced up the long flight of stairs. The closer they got the more they could hear a chant.
When they got there the monks from the cult stopped their whole sacrifice ritual and got into a fighting stance, while Galavan left.

"Sacrilege!", the old head monk yelled.

The rest of the monks started attacking. But were easily shot down. The last one left was the old man, but when he jumped to attack he was quickly shot. It had been the guy with the hat who had taken a bit longer to climb those stairs.

While they were freeing Bruce and all that, Reine took her chance to go looking for Galavan.

After looking around she actually ran into Oswald. They both found Galavan, but Jim was with him and also two cops. Oswald knocked out one of them and Reine knocked out the other one.
Jim quickly grabs his gun and points it at Oswald.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Nobody shoot! We are all friends here."

"Like hell we are."

"I apologize for that.", he points at the knocked out captain, "But there we are. Done now. They're still alive. That's something. Look forward now, Jim. What now? I will kill you to get to him if I have to."

"I second that.", Reine said holding her gun up towards Jim ready to shoot.

"Forget that this man sicced Barbara Kean on you. Forget that he nearly killed the mother of your child. Forget revenge. Think of the greater good. Think of Gotham. He has the courts in his pocket and billions of dollars at his command. Are you one hundred percent sure that he won't beat this and walk free again? Are you sure, Jim? Think of Gotham."

"Captain. Bravo team. In the vicinity of the penthouse.", an officer spoke through the radio.

"But think fast."

They took Galavan somewhere near the docks. Reine had managed to convince the Penguin and Jim to take her with them. They took out Galavan from the trunk.

"You're a man of conscience, Jim. You'll regret this."

"I have many regrets. This won't be top of the list."

Penguin grabbed a bat from the trunk and Reine grabbed another one.
Jim pushed Galavan onto his knees.

"Oh, well. Here we are. Shame. It's gonna be a beautiful morning. Goodbye, Jim Gordon."

"This is for my mother."

Oswald starts beating him after a few hits Reine joins in.

"Kill me, please. Please."

A few more hits later and Jim stops them.

"Enough! That's enough."

"Too bad. It was just starting to get fun.", Reine said with a deranged smile.

Jim ends Theo Galavan's pain by shooting him, right in the head.

"You know Jim, you could always say it was me. Wouldn't be the first."

"I should be sending you back to Arkham."

"But you won't because you feel bad for me. Which you shouldn't, but I will take the head start and this bat."

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