| Chapter XXX | ah, sweet revenge

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While the twins are dealing with a nosy Barbara

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While the twins are dealing with a nosy Barbara. And Edward getting vengeance for his girlfriend's death. Reine is now dealing with some secret society shit, she thought she had abandoned the moment she killed her step-grandmother, Eugenia Coldwell.

"My name is Volk." He looks at a man behind him, "My brother, Jacob, and that's Dmitry." He looks at a man with a metal mask on.

Dmitry releases Ivy and hands her over.

"Hot names. And accents. Can't say much about your faces. But I can work with it."

"What's with the stupid mask?", Selina asks.

"I like you. You remind me of my sister in Kiev. Dmitry is an initiate. The mask ensures his silence until he proves himself and becomes a full member."

"So like braces?", Reine asks.

"Of what? Who are you?", Bruce asks.

"We are called the Whisper Gang. Gotham's most notorious smugglers."

"Sounds like a gang made out of librarians. Which is actually more terrifying."

"We used to number in the hundreds until the Court saw our growing strength, and they offered us a partnership, only to betray us. Many escaped back to Ukraine but a few of us stayed back, hoping to find a way to enact revenge. And we did."

"Ah, revenge, the only way to start again."

"The key. Well, what does it open?"

"A safe."

He takes out a few maps.

"It is in one of the Court's buildings."

He looks through the maps until he finds the one. Everyone crowds around it.

"Here. Inside, there is a device, that we believe can destroy them."

"What, like, some kind of, weapon?", Alfred asks.

"Well, honestly, we don't know. We captured a member, but even he didn't know what's inside the safe, only that the Court fears it falling into the hands of their enemies."

"Wait, wouldn't they know you stole it? They're probably waiting for you to show there.", Selina tells them.

"No. Because originally the safe had two keys. The Court still has one of them, and the second was thought lost. Until I found it."

"You mean we did.", Bruce says as he holds up the key, "The court of Owls killed my parents. I stood down because I thought there was no way to defeat them."

"What are you proposing?"

"If what you're saying is true, and there is something in that safe, then that's no longer the case."

While Reine is now teaming up with the Whisper Gang, her sisters are not having much of a fun day.
While getting vengeance, Edward found out that Butch didn't, in fact, kill his girlfriend. It only costed a hand, not his of course.

The next morning Barbara Kean came over. Both Edward and Odette were ready for her to attack. But she didn't.

"Relax. I'm not here to get revenge for you lopping off Tabby's paw. Though I am surprised to find you back at work and not tracking down who really did kill your lady love."

"That's because you don't see the full picture. The mayor has many enemies. These enemies understand that I am a fundamental part of this operation. They weaken me, they weaken him. That was clearly the intent of killing Isabella."

Odette always loved listening to him talk, how much more of an intellectual he was compared to others.

"Also, I have spies all over the city. Soon enough, whoever killed Isabella will reveal themselves, and I will strike."

"Poor blind baby. It's always hardest to see what's right under our noses."

She fake coughs Penguin.

Edward and Odette turn to look at her.

"Did you just fake cough 'Penguin'? Needless to say, that is, absurd on a number of levels."

"Really? All a crime requires is means, motive, and opportunity. And your beaky little buddy certainly has the means and opportunity."

"But no motive."

"Oh, I would say he had the oldest motive in the book. Rich men want it, wise men know it, the poor all need it-"

"Love. What does that have to do-"

That's when it hits both Edward and Odette.

"And the penny drops."

"You are suggesting, that Oswald, is in love with me? That is ridiculous."

"I know. I mean, personally, I find you a bit of a cold fish, but, Ozzie saw you being taken away from him by that bookish vixen, and...", She imitates driving a car, crashing and dying.

"No. In fact, I'm beginning to wonder what your motive is in all this."

"That's for later. Right now, I, just want to see justice for that poor, sweet girl."

"Ms.Kean, I need you to understand two things. One, Oswald did not kill Isabella; and two, he's not in love with me."

"Are you so certain? Don't you owe it to her to find out? Let me know how it goes."

She starts walking away.

"Nice seeing you, Dette."

As Barbara left, Odette started thinking about the possibility that Oswald did in fact love Edward. There's no way she could know, Oswald never really talked to her, but Joan on the other hand... But then that would also imply that Joan had known for a while about his feelings for Edward and never told her about it. And Joan couldn't ever keep secrets from her own twin, could she?

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