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Sabrina's POV:-

We reached Wisconsin later in the evening and the movers were already there.

Our house wasn't too big nor was it too small it was a two story home with a short front porch and was nothing too fancy. It was perfect.

There were 2 bedrooms on the top and two down. I took the bedroom on the top  with the huge bay window that faces the backyard and the forest. I could get used to it. I started arranging a few things from the boxes on my dresser and filled the closet with my clothes. It was still bright and I was too bored to arrange any more things I decided to take a look around the place.

" Hey ma, I'm going to see what's around the area if you need anything tell me I'll get it on my way."

" Ok honey, be safe and I don't require anything now, be home before 11."

"Ok I'm going now." I said and went towards the bike in the driveway.

Yup you're right I ride a bike, my BMW, I had worked hard and collected enough money to buy this baby since I was 12, and my dad also contributed, a lot. I got on my bike and sped down the road, on the way I saw a basketball court and two guys playing and I stopped. When I entered the court the ball came rolling towards me.

" Hey girl pass the ball." Said one of the guys with blonde hair and blue eyes. I just looked at him and smirked.

" Here!" I said and got in position and shot the ball into the hoop.

" Wow you got mad skill." He said.

" Huh lucky basket." Said the other guy with brown hair and brown eyes.

" Ok then you two verses me." I said still smirking at both of them.

"Be ready to lose." Said the guy with brown hair, cockily.

" I wouldn't be too over confident if I were you." I shot back.

" Enough chit chat gets get on with the game." Said the blonde." First team to score 5 points wins."

"Game on." I said and snatched the ball from the blonde and started dribbling, he tried to take it from me but I turned around swiftly and ran forward and reach mid court. The brown hair guy stood in front of me I lifted the ball and got into position to shoot I faked right and shot it directly into the basket.

" HAH!" I said smiling cockily.

"Nice one." said the blonde.

" Whatever." Said the other. We continued to play and at the end the score was 3-5, me winning with five points.

" Your cool I like you." Said the blonde," I'm Chase, and he's Aiden."
" Dude I can speak for myself. Now since you know our names it would be great to know yours, you don't seem to be from here , are you new?" The brown hair who I learnt is Aiden said.

" I'm Sabrina Wilson and your worst nightmare. And yes I just shifted here a few hours back." I said laughing slightly.

" Well it was great to meet you but we have to leave it's almost 11:30."said Chase. My eyes widened.

"11:30!! Shit shit shit I'm in so much trouble, bye guys see y'all around." I said rushing towards my bike, I got on and sped home.

I am in so much trouble. Oh no mom is not going to allow me I inside the house. I have some serious grovelling to do. I reached the door of my house and knocked the door.

" Mom open the door."

" What time did I tell you to get back home?" She asked while opening the door slightly.

"11" I mumbled.

" What is the time now?"

"11:40" I said, " but I have a good reason."

" And what is that young lady?"

"You see I was riding and then I saw this basketball court and these two guys playing so I thought that ill join then and make new friends, so I started playing with Aiden and Chase and and an-" I began ranting.

" Ok ok I get it. Get in this is the last time you are coming home late."she said sternly, " Now go in and take a shower you stink."

" Ouch I'm hurt you think I'm stinky." I said dramatically wiping off a fake tear. " Come on mama give me a hug." I said cheekely.

"On no young lady get away from me." She said backing away slowly ask I took a few steps towards her.

" Come on."

" Get into the bathroom this instance or I'll not give you the pasta I made for dinner."

I widened my eyes, " ok ok I'm going."

I got into the shower and then went down for dinner. Mom had already served me my food so I sat down at the table in front of her.

" Ok so I wanted to talk to you about something." She said.

" What is that?" I asked.

" Your school is starting on Monday..."

"What so fast that's like in one day, why can't I start from the week after!"

" Sabrina, it's already been a month that school has started and you have a lot of catching up to do. Now don't argue with me about this you have to attend school from Monday. Did I make myself clear?"

"Yes mom." I said with a sigh. I then continued to eat my food in silence, it's been like this for 4 years now, out dinners used to be full of continuous chatter when dad was with us.
I put my plate in the sink and waked up the stairs.

"Goodnight mom, love you."

" Goodnight baby, love you."

I went to my room and layed in bed, I turned my head towards the night stand and looked at the picture frame of mom dad and I together when I was 12, dad had me on his back giving me a piggy back and was huging mom from behind, the picture was taken on my birthday.

"Goodnight dad."

After that I fell asleep.

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