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Sabrina's POV:-

The first thing I register when I opened my eyes is that... MY HEAD IS POUNDING. I touch my head and when I bring my hand down I see blood on my fingers.

What's happening? Where am I?

All I remember was going to the gang house and then I was hit by a very strong force.

I look around the dimly lit room and try to stand up, but when I can't, I realise that I'm tied to a chair.

Well fuck.

My mouth feels like the Sahara Desert, I try looking around for water with my hazy vision. I hear footsteps coming in my direction. They get closer and closer until they stop in front of me, I can't see the person's face, all I could see was he was wearing a really expensive suit, and black polished shoes in which I could see my reflection.

" Well well well, look who finally decided to wake up. " I the person says.

" Wh-who are you? " I ask, cringing at how pathetic my voice sounds.

I look at him trying to put a face to the voice.

" Tsk, you don't remember me? " He says and walks to stand behind me. Then he bends down till he is level with my ear. " Well diamond I'm hurt." He steps into my line of vision.

" Brandon. " I gasp. Nothing much had changed about him, he still had the same blonde hair, and same blue eyes, but what had changed was the look in his eyes, they used to be soft now they are only filled with malice.

" Ting ting ting! You've got the answer right. " He says with fake enthusiasm.

" What do you want? " I ask.

" You know very well what I want! " He yells.

" No I don't! You've made my life living hell, you murdered Sam! " I yell back.

Suddenly I feel a huge sting on my cheek.

" I did not murder him! " He says, a crazed look coming into his eyes.

" Yes you did! "

" Shut up, it was all because of you! If he hadn't come there you would have been dead by now! I didn't mean to shoot him he came in the way! " He says frantically.

" What have I done for you to kill me! " I ask him.

" Ha! You are asking me that! I loved you with all of my heart, I did whatever you wanted me to, do you remember who you had come to when you and Sam had a fight? Me, do you remember who was there for you when you would cry on your father and sisters death anniversary? Me, who would wake up even at three in the fucking morning to get you ice cream? Me, Not anybody else but only me. I gave you my everything and all you did was reject me! " He says, a tear slipping out of his eyes.

Listening to this my heart ached for him, but that would never change my mind about him.

" I-I'm sorry Brandon, I loved you too, but not in the way you wanted me to, I loved you like a brother. I know you were there for me, but at that point of time I didn't know about how you felt for me. But do you think you had to go that far to kill me? Do you think this is all worth it? You lost your best friend, you lost my trust and love. Do you still think whatever you are doing is worth it? " I ask softly.

" Shut up! I know what I am doing. Stop acting like you care about anything Sabrina. You didn't care about me neither did you care about Sam. If you did you wouldn't have been playing house with your new boy toy, what was his name? Oh yeah Maddox White. Pretty boy he is, he too thinks he is too smart like you." He says with an evil chuckle.

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