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Sabrina's POV:-

" Get your things from your room and put it into the trunk." My mom screamt from downstairs." We're leaving in 15 min."

" Coming!" I yelled back picking my bags and a few boxes." The guys will be here any moment now." I said while reaching closer to her.

"Ok bu-" she was cut off but a loud knock on the door.

" They're here." I ran towards the door and opend it and was instantly tackled into a hug.

"Tyler get your fat ass off me." I wined. The other guys just laughed.

" Noo you are leaving me here with these two idiots. I don't wanna let go." He wined back. The guys just glared at him.

Confused, yeah so what happened when I returned back from school was that my mum sat me down and gave me a long lecture about my behaviour and bla bla bla. And a few days later she said that she had got the job that she applied for, and that we had to move to Wisconsin. I protested a lot but I couldn't be selfish and think only about myself so I got ready to go. When I told the guys they were all were distraught and Tyler even cried.

" Tyler get off my daughter we are in a hurry we have to leave."

Tyler wined but let go. I laughed, and looked at the other two.

" What am I not gonna get a hug from you two?" I said with a smile. They both stepped forward and took me in a hug.

" We're gonna miss you little Ri." Said Mason.

" Aww I'll miss you too big guy. You too Jack." I said in a small voice, these guys were there with me through everything.

" Don't forget us." Tyler said getting himself into the group hug.

" Never." We all parted from the hug. All the guys had glossy eyes. I too was on the verge of tears.

" Ok come on all of you help Sabrina take all these boxes and load them into the car. Said my mother.

" yes Lucy." We all walked out talking about how they would come visit me, and about face timing every day. We put everything in the car. Turned to the guys and gave them all one last hug.

" Bye guys, I'll call yall when I reach."

" You better. And don't forget to keep us up with the drama in your life." Says Tyler.

" Ok ok Ty, bye."

I got into the car, and soon we were on our way to Wisconsin.

Wisconsin here I come.

Soo this is just the beginning but I promise the chapters aged are longer. Hope you liked it. Pls don't for get to comment.

Love Megan.🖤

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