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Maddox's POV:-

It's been a day since we returned, that means it's Sunday today and we start school from tomorrow.

Sabrina and I have almost finished with our project and the rest of the days of our trip were used to do some of the work.

I don't know what it is it about her that is so interesting and draws me towards her. The way she acted with Sage at the park, it gave me a weird sense of satisfaction. The reason for the satisfaction, I don't know. I guess it's her personality that draws me towards her. The weird feeling I get in my stomach when I am near her, is one weird because I haven't ever felt like this, and two because I like it when she is around and have an urge to protect her, but everyone knows that she doesn't need protection.

Dax bro you are getting mushy, just admit it you like her.

I don't like her.

Whatever you say.

I'm broken away form my inner debate by the buzzing of my phone. I check the caller and see who it is.


I pick up the call.

" Hey Travis I was expecting your call since days."

" Yeah, I was going to call you earlier but I got caught up with something."

" What was it that you wanted to tell me?"

" Well I wanted to tell you about the match that you will be fighting tonight, so be ready for that I'll text you the details in a while. Also I wanted to talk to you about something so I would like you to meet me in my office in the Underground."

" Ok, but what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

" I'll let you know when you get here, but what I can tell you for now is that it is very important, and it determines your rank in the Underground fights."

This confused me a little but I didn't question him about it, he would tell me sooner or later.

" Ok, I'll see you. Don't forget to text me the details of the fight."

" Alright."

I hug up the call and started getting ready to leave because all matches in the Underground begin after ten, and it was already 10:50.


Match at 12 be here by 11:15pm.

I text him back saying that I'll be there.

I shut the door of my bedroom and lock it after making sure my mom had fallen asleep. Grabbing the duffel bag from under my bed, I open the window and jump down with ease.

Putting my helmet on I jump on my bike and rude towards the Underground.

Within fifteen minutes I reach. Opening the bag I pull out my mask and put it on.

Bang bang knock bang bang bang knock.

The metal slide in the door opens. The guys eyes widen.

" Hunter."

He says with his head bent down in respect and fear. I nod in his direction and take off to Travis's office.

I enter the room without knocking.

" Ah, just the man I was waiting for." He said standing up.

" Hey man." I say taking a seat on one of the sofas in his office.

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