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Sabrina's POV:-

The next morning I wake up with Maddox besides me, his one arm slung around my waist and the other uder his head.

I lift my head from his chest and move back a little taking in his features. He looks so innocent and calm when he is sleeping. I look at the clock and see that it was already nine and since today was a Sunday we didn't have school.

I trace the outline of his jaw then I softly move to his nose that was slightly crooked then finally I reach his soft pink lips, his lips twitch into a smile when I look up slightly I see his amber orbs staring at me.

Automatically a smile makes its way on my lips.

" Good morning " He says, his voice is husky and it brings butterflies in my stomach.

" Morning. " I say back snuggling into his arms.

" You know I don't mind waking up next to you like this every day. "

" Neither do I. " I reply placing a soft kiss on his lips.

" So what's your plan for today? " He asks.

" I was planning to go to Dean's and talking to him. " I say with a sigh.

" Ok, what about after that? "

" I don't know I think I'll stay at home. Do you have anything to do? "

" Nope nothing much, I have to go and meet Travis at noon and then after that o got nothing to do, moms gone out with a few of her office colleagues she'll be back later on in the evening. "

" Ok, can you drop me off at Dean's pace when you are on your way to meet Travis, he stays nearby the gym. "

" Ok, it's not a problem. "

For a while we just stay like that holding each other and talking about random stuff.

I get up and do my morning routine, and come back and see that he is still sleeping, I climb on besides him.

" Go take a shower, I'll make breakfast till then. " I say, kissing his cheeks multiple times and getting off the bed.

He groans but gets up eventually, then he suddenly looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"You know-" He opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

" Don't you dare say that. "

" How do you know what I am going to say? "

" Because I know you and I can see the mischief in your eyes. "

" But-"

" No Maddox I will not join you in the shower to save water. "

He looks at me with so much mock betrayal.

" Buzz kill. " He huffs and stomps into the bathroom.

" I swear sometimes I think I'm dating a five year old. " I say

" I heard that! "

"Good you were ment to. "

I quickly open the door to my bedroom and walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, there I see my mom sitting at the kitchen counter and having her morning coffee.

" Good morning mom. "

" Good morning baby. Sleep well? "

" Like a corpse. " I say with a smile.

" Is Maddox up there? " She asks pointing in the general direction of my room.

" Yeah he stayed over yesterday, I hope you don't mind. "

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