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Sabrina's POV:-


Oh god can someone please turn off the bloody alarm.

I try to move my body but I feel like I am being held down by a heavy weight. I try again concentrating all my energy into moving my hand, feel my fingers twitch.

" She moved! " A familiar voice said.
I tried to open my eyes after a lot of effort I was finally able to open my eyes. The first thing I saw was white,since when did my room have white walls, then I move my eyes to the IV that was hanging besides me.

Then suddenly everything came rushing back. The beeping of the heart monitor started increasing.

" Hey hey, sunshine look at me. " I turn to my other side and see Dean sitting next to my bed on one of those uncomfortable hospital chairs.

" W-where-" I try to speak but my voice cracks.

" Here have some water. " Dean says,  holding a glass of water to my mouth, he helps me drink.

" Where's Maddox? Is he alright?" I ask.

" Sunshine you need to rest, you are injured badly. " He says avoiding my question.

" No! Tell me. "  I say firmly.

Dean's expression drops, his eyebrows scrunching.

The most horrible situations come into my mind. Is he dead? N-no he can't be! He can't leave me. The memories of dad and scarlet start coming into my head, soon I can feel my breathing increase, and tears start rolling down my cheeks.

The beeping continues to increase rapidly on the monitor.

" Hey Sabrina! Listen to me, " Dean says holding my face in his hands. He wipes the wetness from my cheeks. " Nothing is wrong with him he's fine, but... " He sighs.

" But what Dean! " I say loudly.

" He's in a coma. "

It takes me a few moments to register what he said.

He's in a coma... He's fine... He's fine but he's in a coma.... He's fine...

I look at Dean with an uneasy expression.

" What happened when y'all got there? " I ask.

" I'll tell you everything, but for now you rest, I'll call the doctor he had told me call him if you wake up. "

I sigh but nod. He gets up and goes out of the room to call the doctor. He comes back a few moments later with a man in a white coat, he looked young not older than 30. The doctor looked at me and smiled.

" Hello Ms. Wilson, I'm glad that you are awake. Your friends here had been very tensed since they brought you in. Quite a huge hit you have taken, 2 broken ribs, right leg fracture, a sprain in your left hand and a mild concussion." He says, looking at the clipboard in his hand and reading out.

" How are you feeling? " He asks.

" Like I've been hit by a truck. " I say with a small chuckle.

He smiles, " I'll do a basic check up now, you'll be kept here in the hospital for two days under observation after that you can go home. "

He does the check up and leaves.
" God I hate hospitals. " I say to Dean.
" The guys are here to see you. " He tells me and as if on que all of them enter the room.

" You're awake! " Ty says running towards me, he pulls me into a hug carefully.

We all talk for a while then it gets late, so the guys leave, Dean stays back since he was staying with me in the hospital.

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