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Sabrina's POV:-

" WHAT? WHAT?" I sat up suddenly and rushed out of bed and headed downstairs in a rush with the baseball bat that I kept bear my door.

" WHAT HAPPENED MOM!" I lifted the bat up to swing it at the intruder, but was met by the figure of my mother cooking pancakes and humming. On hearing me she turned towards me.

" Why do you have a bat in your hand?"

" You screamt for me to come down so I thought that there was an intruder." I said while placing the metal object down.

I looked at the clock. 7:30 a.m.
" Why did you wake me up so EARLY?"

" Seriously Sabrina don't tell me you forgot."


" School starts today." After she said it it was like a bomb dropped on my head.

" Holy shit, I have to get ready omg mom why didn't you tell me earlier. Omg what if I become late omg-"

" You're rambling again, instead of doing that go up and get ready. The pancakes will be done by then."

I rushed upstairs and into the bathroom I took a quick shower and did my normal morning routine. Then I picked out my outfit which was white t-shirt and dark jeans. I left my hair open and for makeup I applied consealer under my eyes, my signature eyeliner and lip gloss and I was done. I went down and gobbled down the pancakes, grabbed my backpack, leather jacket, phone and bike keys.

" Bye mom! Love you"

" Bye love you too!"

With that I went to my bike and got on grabbed my helmet and put it on my head. I sped off to my school aka Kingston High. I had come here yesterday to collect my schedule and they had offered a tour but I was too lazy to walk around the school so I declined it.

Pulling up at the school parking lot I could feel the stares of the people burning into my back, I took off my helmet and I could hear some gasps, not expecting a girl to ride a bike to school, huh sexist pigs, yet I kept my signature smirk on my face. I held onto my helmet with one hand and ruffled out my straight brown hair properly. I got off the bike and started walking towards the entrance keeping my strides long and firm and a crooked smile on my face. Some guys were cat calling, but I just flipped them off and waked forward. I had already seen where my locker was so I walked towards it.

Locker no. 271

I opend it and placed my helmet and bag. I heard someone shouting so I turned.

" Hey new girl. New girl!" I saw who it was and realised it was a short brunette with grey eyes. She was shorter than my 5 foot 9 frame, around 5'4, she had waist length hair and a cute face with high cheek bones and thin lips and doe eyes, which were shielded with huge thick rimmed glasses.

" Hey! Wait you your the new girl, umm.. Sabrina, right?"

I raised an eyebrow, "apparently so. What service may I be of?"

" Um... So I er.. I'm Bella and ... I have to show you around the s-school." She said shuttering.

"Then what are we doing here lead the way." I said with a grin. I think she was surprised with my reaction because she took a step back so she could look up at me in the eye, to see if I was really telling the truth.

"Uh.. sure... Show me your schedule." I place my schedule in her hand. "Let's see..." She mumbles," AP English, Calculus, AP biology and art." She looks up at me and blushes looking at my amused expression. " Today is your lucky day you have three classes with me. So let's go to your first class."

" Yeah give me a minute."

" Quick before we get late."  She says with sass, and quickly slaps her hand on her face and takes a step back in fear. I furrow my eyebrows.

" Don't act like I'm gonna snap and hit you any second." Her shoulders slump.

"Sorry it's just... Forget it lets go." She says and leads me to our first class, Ap English.

We walk down the corridor and turn left ,I keep the directions in mind, and enter the third classroom to the left that reads Mrs. Raymond.

" Ok so this is where I leave you. I'll see you in calculus. She says and walks away quickly.

Class has already started so when I enter the class the teacher stops mid sentence and turns to me.

" Ah..Ms. Wilson come on in. Class this is Ms. Sabrina Wilson make her feel welcomed." She says. She is a short middle-aged blonde woman. I just nod at her and look around the class for a seat.

" Hey! Sabrina here!" I look at the back of the class and see Chase sitting along with Aiden by his right side, and the seat on his left was empty. I walk to to the back and place my bag down on the seat.

" Hey Chase, hey Aiden" I whisper.

" Hey I didn't know that you were going to join here in Kingston High." Says Aiden

" That's because you didn't ask her dumbass." Retorts Chase.

" Shut up I was talking to her why are you interrupting me!"

"Mr. Parker and Mr. Grey is there a problem?"

" No ma'am sorry." Says Aiden. But Chase on the other hand says.

" Yes."

" And what might be the problem Mr. Parker?" She asks with a raised brow.

" I don't understand why did Romeo and Juliet kill themselves couldn't Shakespeare like give them a happy ending..."he says but is interrupted by Aiden.

"Chase we-"

"No let me finish... so like I was saying, in all those pricess stories where the prince comes riding on a horse and saves the princess and then they marry eachother and have itty bitty babies?"

I am on the verge of bursting out into laughter, because of which I have turned red. Chase turns and looks at me.

" What happened to you?" And with that I burst out laughing. " Why are you laughing?"

I try to speak but I end up laughing.
Aiden slaps his forehead and says, " what she is trying to say is that we are not doing Romeo and Juliet we are doing a poem by Robert Frost."


The teacher looks furious through this and she looks at chase and says.

" Mr. Parker I expect you to pay attention during class-"

she was abruptly cut of by the opening of the class room door. A tall well built guy with shaggy brown hair and light brown eyes steps into the class, he has a well defined jaw that looks so sharp it can cut through diamond, his hair falls slightly on his forehead making my fingers itch to move it out, get a grip Ri, his nose is slightly crooked but nothing noticble, he's wearing a lether jacket under which he has a white muscle t shirt, there is just something that turns me on when I see a guy in a white t shirt, and dark jeans.

" Ah...Look who decided to show up for class today, Mr. Maddox White."

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