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Sabrina's POV:-

To say this morning was eventful is an understatement. So the plan of waking Jake and sending him out before mom came to my room was a complete fail, because my bloody alarm didn't ring and my mom came up to my room to see Jake sleeping along with me in the bed. And hence we both are under my mother's scrutiny.

" Young man what are you doing here?" She asks Jake.

" Umm... Hey Kate. I umm..."

He looks at me for help.

" He was passing town last night and gave me a call so I told him to stay here, and since it was late and you were sleeping I just let him in." I say.

" Yeah."

He says. I have such a strong urge to face palm myself.

I throw my most innocent smile to my mom. She looks suspicious but didn't say anything.

" Ok. How long will you be staying here not that I don't want you here or anything." She asks him.

" I'll be here for the next 2 to 3 days I have some work in the nearby area."

" Ok good, now Sabrina get ready or you'll be late for school again."

All through this conversation I forgot about about school.

" Shit not again." I groaned.

" It's ok chill I'll drop you off I have some work I'll pick you after school too, now go get ready."

" O my god thank God you are a life saver."

I say rushing them out of my room. I shut the door and start rummaging through my closet to see what to wear. I take out my ripped shorts and a white T-shirt. I put on some makeup, that consists of mascara and lip gloss. I grab my black combat boots and pull them on and rush down the stairs.

" Come on let's gooooo!"

I suddenly halt in my tracks.

" Shit my keys are upstairs hol-"

" It's ok we are taking my car."

I look at him confused. He just drags me out of the door, there I see a red Lamborghini.

I blink once I blink again.

" What... How?"

" I asked one of the people to get it here."

" Omg she is sooooo sexyyyy."

" I know right. It's the latest model."

" Ok fine come on let's go I am getting late 10 mins for first bell to ring and school is 10 min away." I say.

" When we have this baby, I don't believe we will be late. We'll be there in half the time." He says smirking.

And true to his words we reached school within 5 minutes.
I look around the parking lot and see people staring at the car. Jake stops the car right in front of where my friends are.

He gets out of the car and opens the door for me.

" My lady."

He says with a fake British accent, bowing.

" Lady my ass. Ok now go I have to go too, don't forget to pick me up in the afternoon."

" Ok ok bye."

He says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

" Bye."

He gets into the car and drives away, I turn to my friends who were silently gaping through the whole exchange.

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