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Sabrina's POV:-

" What! How can this happen! I had strictly told you all to stay there all the time! .... I don't want any explanation! I want everyone who was there in my office at noon!... I don't give a fuck about what happened, you had one job! Just one fucking job! "

I hear Maddox scream into the phone. He's pacing around the room like a raging bull.

It's been a three weeks since I returned back from New York, there was no news about Brandon everything was radio silent. We were expecting him to come and finish his job quickly, but apparently he has other plans.

Maddox has been tense since the time I came back. He's always at work with his gang and very rarely is he at home, and it is become even more rare for me to see him, and when I do see him he's on the phone or is sleeping.

He's sighs and sits down on the couch rubbing his face tiredly. I let out a breath and sit next to him and remove his hands from his face.

" What's wrong? " I ask rubbing circles on his hands.

" Nothing." He says dismissively.

" Come on tell me, I can't bare see you like this. " I say softly.

He sighs and finally turns to face me.

" Abs I'm so worried about you and here my men are screwing up the simplest of tasks given to them. " He says shaking his head.

I look at him, his face looks drained of its usual color, there are bags under his eyes, it looks like he hasn't slept on ages.

" It's fine don't stress so much about it, as long as you are there with me I know I am safe Maddox. "

" Don't say that. I don't want to let you down if something happens to you because my men couldn't do their work properly. "

" Maddox Rufus White, " I say firmly, he grimaces, " Don't you dare say that again. I will smack the shit out of you. I don't care about anything else right now, all I want is your well being. When was the last time you slept? "

" Yesterday afternoon. " He murmurs.
I smack him on the back of the head.

" Come on now! Go upstairs and go to sleep. I don't want to hear anything, postpone your meeting. "

He goes to protest but he looks at my stern face and sighs.

" Ok fine. "

He takes his phone and texts Ryder to postpone his meeting with his men to tomorrow.  Then we both go upstairs, as soon as he's on the bed he was off like a switch.

I switched off the light and closed the curtain. I shut the door and went down stairs. Sighing I plonk down on the couch, I grab my phone and call.


" Hey. " I say softly.

" Hey Sabrina. "

" Did you do what I told you to? "

" Yeah everything is done and ready I'm just waiting for you to tell me when to carry on with the plan. "

" Ok, I'll call you. "

" Sabrina? "

" Yeah? "

" Are you sure this is going to work? Because I know him, whatever he does is very unexpected. "

" Trust me Raf I know what I am doing. This is the only way that I can protect the others from getting hurt. "

" I trust you Sab, just be cautious, yeah? "

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