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Maddox's POV:-

" He died, and Brandon was the one who killed him. "

There was a long pause. I let the information sink in. It pained me deeply when she said that he was the love of her life, I didn't know wether to be mad or to sympathies with her. So I settled for a blank face.

" Why? I mean why did Brandon do that? " I asked slightly reluctant.

Sabrina was shaking and sobbing, I couldn't see her like that, so I grabbed her and pulled her into my lap, so that her face was buried in my chest, I could feel her tears seeping through the thin material of my shirt. She held on to me tightly and sobbed harder. It was difficult for me to pay attention to what Dean was saying after looking at her in this state. I had never seen her in this state, though she had shown vulnerability in the past, she had never broken down, and seeing her in this state was heartbreaking, so I made a promise to myself that I would never let anything happen to her.

" From the time we met them Samuel and Sabrina had always showed attraction to each other, but what we didn't pay attention to was that Brandon too had fallen in love with her. One night he got drunk and went to Sabrina and confessed his feelings for her. But she and Samuel were in love with each other so she told him that she did not feel the same way. He started giving threats to Sabrina, thinking that he was drunk she told him to go back home, and didn't think much about those threats. He didn't speak to her for few days and then she got a text from him saying that he wanted to meet her to apologize, she gave in and went to meet him. Somehow Samuel came to know about this and followed her that night, I was there along with him. When we reached there we saw Brandon pointing a gun towards Sabrina. He was saying that since he couldn't have her nobody could. He pulled the trigger, what I didn't realise was that Sam had rushed in front of her and the bullet had hit him straight in the heart. Brandon saw what he did, he never wanted to kill Sam, they were best friends, but when he saw what he did he ran away, he said he would be back and blamed Sabrina for Sam's death. "

By now Sabrina's sobs had reduced she had fallen asleep in my arms, I looked at her admiring her beauty as well as her courage. She had gone through so much she lost her father, her sister and her boyfriend and yet she showed that she was strong. It made me love her even more.


I loved this girl.

No matter what happens I will always love her. It doesn't matter that I am not her first love, but I will love her with all my heart and protect her with my life.

" Hey Maddox. " Dean says.

" Yeah? "

" Thanks. "

" Thanks? For what? " I asked confused.

" For being there for her. I can see that you love her, please don't let anything happen to her. I have known her since a very long time and I know that she gets attached to people really fast, even if she doesn't want to. This means that the responsibility you are talking to protect your other friends is very big, if any one of them including you is hurt, I don't think she'll be able to stay strong anymore. You still have time you an back out."

" No. I will protect her and will not let anything happen to the others as well. "

He nods.

I look down at the girl in my arms and plant a kiss on her forehead.

" I'll take her up to her room and lay her down. "

" Ok, sure I'll be here hijacking her Netflix."

I give out a small laugh and shake my head. I carry her in my arm and take her to her room. I place her on the bed and pull the covers over her, I look around and I see her sketches hung up on one wall and another is filled completely with Polaroids. I spot a picture of us together and smile. She had drawn a small heart under it. My love for this girl keeps on increasing. I shake my head with a small smile and I am about to leave when a soft voice stops me.

" Dax. " Says Sabrina.

I turn towards her, " Yeah? "

" Stay. "

My heart beat starts to increase at a inhumane pace.
I think I am going to have a heart attack.

Sure buddy, you sound like a girl right now, she just asked you to lay with her not to have sex.

At that thought heat rises from my neck.

Shut up.

But I play it cool, " Okay. " I take off my jacket and place it on the chair, and am about to take off my shirt...

" What are you doing? " She asks sounding alarmed.

" I can't sleep with my shirt on. "

"Oh. Can you just keep it on for today? "

" No it's uncomfortable, why you scared that you won't be able to keep your hands to yourself? " I ask with a smirk.

" No. Now shut up and come here. "

"Ooo feisty, I like it. " I say slipping next to her. "

" Shut up. " She says slapping me on the chest.

My breath hitches when she wraps a hand around my waist and places her head on my chest.

" Is this alright? " She asks almost innocently.

" Y-yeah" I say clearing my throat. I wrap my hands around her waist and pull jer impossibly closer.

" Is this alright? " I whisper.

She raised her head from my chest and looked into my eyes.

" Perfect. " She whispers back.

At that moment it felt like holding each other had some how connected us, because we both leaned in and out lips met in a soft kiss, full of passion and love.

" Dax. " She said after we pulled away.

" Yeah? "

" I love you. " She whispered so softly that I didn't hear.

" What? " I ask stupidly.

" I said I love you... And it's ok if you don't feel the same, I mean we just admitted our feelings to each other-"

I cut off her rambling with a deep passionate kiss.

" I love you too. "

The grin that spread across her face was one of the best sights I have ever seen in my life.

" Say it again. " She says.

" I love you. "

" Again. "

" I love you. I love you. I love you! "

Awwwwww... Finally. They love each other, so cute. So what do y'all think will happen ahead? Stick around to find out. Also like and comment.

Love Megan 🖤

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