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Sabrina's POV:-

"Come on hurry up we're getting late! " I yell at my husband.

" Yeah I'm coming I'm coming will you hold your horses! I have to grab the bags. " He shouts back.

Suddenly I hear sounds of stuff falling and glass shattering.

" What did you do now! " I tell walking towards the room where the noise came from.

" I didn't do anything it was your son. " He says.

When I enter the room the most disastrous sight welcomes me, the glass vase that my mum had given me for my wedding was lying broken on the ground the mirror on the wall was slanting and my dear husband was on the floor with powder all over him, and the so called culprit was on the sofa giggling away.

" What happened here! " I say, trying so hard to hold in my laugh and sound angry.

" I'm telling you he did it. " My dear husband says pointing at the giggling boy on the sofa.

I pressed my lips together to prevent the smile forming. I walked towards my son and sat down besides him.

" Baby is your daddy telling the truth? Did you do all of this. " I say pointing towards the broken vase.

My little boy looks at me with wide innocent eyes.

" No momma, Chris no do anything. "

" Aww my baby, you're daddy is so naughty he's blaming you. " I say pointing an accusing finger at my husband who looked as shocked as ever.

" I swear Abs I didn't do anything... "

" No no no, my baby boy will not lie to me. So now you will get punished, isn't that right Chris. "

" Yes momma. " Christian, my son, says his face scrunched up adorably to form a serious face.

" Now Maddox your punishment is to clean up this whole room! And no chocolate cake for you! " I say with mock anger.

Maddox, pouts dramatically and looks at our three year old with puppy dog eyes. The little boy suddenly starts looking guilty. Maddox starts crying dramatically.

Chris looks at me with a sad face, he makes a hand motion for Maddox to come closer, when is father reaches near hime he wipes few of the fake tears the were on his dads cheeks, and then looks at me.

Awwww that was so cute.

" I'm sowy momma, daddy didn't make mess, Chris did. " His eyes instantly flood with tears.

Holy shit it's difficult to be a parent when you're kid acts this cute.

" Now Christian what have I told you about lying? " I say sternly.

" Lying is wrong. " He says.

" Good, now what do you have to say to daddy? "

He looks at his father with a similar pout.

" I'm sowy daddy. "

" It's alright, now will you help me and momma clean up this mess? " Maddox asks.

" Yes, daddy. "

" Good boy, now go on and get the broomstick from the kitchen. " I say giving him a kiss on his soft cheeks.

He nods eagerly and runs out of the room to get the broom.

I sigh and look at Maddox, who is already looking at me. I raise my eyebrow at him hiding my smile.

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