Chapter Twenty-Nine

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You wake up the next morning and you're in your bed somehow. You look over and Matt is asleep right beside you. You scoot over to Matt and give him a kiss on the cheek. That wakes him up and he turns and gives you a kiss back. "Good morning." Matt says sounding tired. "Good morning. How did I end up in bed?" You ask. "I didn't want you sleep on the hard couch so I carried you up here and put you in bed." "Awe, thanks." You say as you get up and start to head downstairs. Matt runs in front of you. "Wait! Before you go downstairs I-" He got cut off by the sound of all the guys talking. It was so loud. "What the hell are they here for?" "Well, you see-" he got cut off again by Nash saying, "Good morning you two! Awesome night last night, huh, Matt?" "Heh, yeah." Matt said sounding nervous. "Matthew, go upstairs." You say calmly. Matt goes upstairs. "What did you guys do last night?" You ask. "Well, starting out we all just went to go eat but then we apparently caused a big commotion. It mostly came from Johnson and then we got kicked out but Johnson kept fighting. Then they called the cops and he got arrested." Cameron said. You look notice Jack J. wasn't here. "So where is he now?" You ask. "He only had to spend a night in jail and we didn't have the money to keep him out. We have to get him in a little bit." Gilinsky said. "Okay. Were there any strippers at this party?" "Nope. No strippers and Matt only let each of us have one drink." Nash said. "Then I guess he's not in trouble anymore." You laugh. "Great!" Matt says while he's coming down the stairs.

After all the guys leave, Nash and Cam stay since you're spending the night at their house tonight. "Are you excited?" Cam asks. "Of course!" You and Matt say. "Is everything planned?" Nash asks. "Yes. We got the rest of the stuff booked a couple of days ago so we didn't have to freak out and stress about anything last minute." Matt said. "Good. The last thing you need today is more stress. Are you more excited about the wedding tomorrow or the baby in like five months?" Cam asks. You and Matt look at each other. "I'm equally excited for both. I'm just scared about giving birth. What about you, baby?" You ask Matt. "I'm excited for both. I'm scared that you're going to break my hand or something while giving birth." "You're stupid." You laugh.

Later Cam says, "It's getting kind of late. We should get going pretty soon. Are you all packed and have everything you need for tomorrow?" "Yeah. I just need to take my dress out to your car." You say then head upstairs. You get your dress then before you head down the stairs you yell, "Matthew Lee Espinosa I know you. Go to the kitchen and don't even face toward the door. If you even get a glimpse of this dress I will go get a whole different dress!" "Fine! I'll go!" Matt says. "Nash, go make sure Matt doesn't look!" You say. "You really don't trust me, do you, babe?" Matt asks. "Nope! Are you in the kitchen yet?" "Yeah, he is. It's safe!" Cam says. You come downstairs and Cam opens the door for you. After you put your dress in the car you come back in to give Matt a hug before you leave. You're hugging Matt and he whispers, "I love you, baby. I will forever and always. I can't wait for tomorrow." "I love you, too. I hope I can sleep tonight." You whisper back then give Matt a kiss. His lips were soft and warm. If his kiss was this good now, you can't even imagine how good it will be tomorrow.

You get to Cam and Nash's house. Cam shows you your room. After you get in bed Cam says, "Try and get some sleep. You'll need a lot of rest for tomorrow." "Okay. Goodnight." You say then smile. "Goodnight." He smiles back.

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