You meet Shockwave

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A few hours later a purple and black mech walked into the lab. You also saw Predaking follow him. When the new mech walked towards your new home you hid in your bathroom.

"Human, I am not going to harm you. It would be logical for you to come out." Shockwave said.

"H-hi..." You said shyly as you came out of your bathroom.

"So you are the human femme that Predaking has taken a liking to." Shockwave said as he looked at you.

"Y-yeah.... I guess so." You said nervously.

"My designation is Shockwave and I am the one who will help you with your studies." Shockwave said.

"O-okay..... I'm Y/n, by the way." You said as you shook a little.

"You are safe in my lab, Predaking will be your guardian." Shockwave said before he turned around and walked away.

"I know that he may seem frightening, but I assure you that he will not harm you." Predaking told you.

"O-okay." You said quietly before you went to go watch some tv.

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