Spark bonding

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About a week after you became a Predacon you finally learned how to transform. You absolutely loved your new body. You could even go on flights with Predaking. But one evening while you and Predaking were walking in the forest while holding servos he finally decided to ask you to become his Conjunx Endura.

"Y/n, there is something that I must ask you. Would you do me the honor of becoming my Conjunx Endura?" Predaking asked you.

"Yes, Preda. I will." You said as you both stopped walking.

You then laid on the ground and Predaking laid on top of you. When he opened his chest plates you saw that he had a beautiful yellow spark. When you opened your chest plates he saw that you had a beautiful S/c spark. As soon as he pressed his chassis to yours your sparks reached for each other. When your spark merged with his you felt pain.

After a few minutes though you started to see his memories and feel his feelings. You saw how he was brought to Earth by Shockwave and you saw how he learned to transform. You also saw Shockwave's lab when the other Predacons got destroyed. You even saw how Starscream murdered Skylynx and Darksteel. But you also saw his happier memories, such as the years that he spent with you.

Meanwhile he saw all of your memories and felt all of your feelings. Once the bond was complete your sparks returned to your spark chambers and you both closed your chest plates.

"Shall we-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for adults only.

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