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When you woke up you realized that it was Christmas morning. After you had woken up you noticed something heavy on your bed. When you looked you saw Predaking's holoform laying next to you. You gently shook his shoulder to wake him up.

"Predaking, why are you here?" You asked him nervously.

"I mearly wanted to sleep with my intended." Predaking replied, not realizing what he had just said.

"I-I think we b-better go downstairs." You stuttered as you got out of your bed.

Predaking followed you downstairs. When you walked into your living room you saw a present under the tree. When Predaking walked into your living room you looked at him.

"Predaking, did you get me something?" You asked him in surprise.

"Yes, I did." He replied.

You then opened the present carefully. When you fully unwrapped it you saw that he had gotten you a beautiful gold evening gown. You felt terrible because you hadn't gotten him anything.

"Predaking.... I don't know what to say... Thank you." You said.

"You are welcome, Y/n." Predaking said as he joined you on the floor.

"Predaking.... I-I didn't get you anything... I'm sorry." You said sadly.

"Nonsense, just being here with you is all I need." Predaking said as he passionately kissed you.


The evening gown that Predaking gave you

The evening gown that Predaking gave you

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